path: root/tests/
diff options
authorTavian Barnes <>2022-05-16 16:30:58 -0400
committerTavian Barnes <>2022-05-16 17:09:29 -0400
commitbedd8f409a41bf2a2c9650eeda56effeda852817 (patch)
tree65843d59dd66a8d739eed836fb1484183f98311e /tests/
parent5f3c1e965720d46bc00d2f4d98ac6bc34f8a022e (diff)
Makefile: Split build into bin and obj directories
This also moves the main binary from ./bfs to ./bin/bfs, and ./ to ./tests/, with the goal of keeping the repository root clean.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 3433 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..434e058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,3433 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# bfs #
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Tavian Barnes <> #
+# #
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any #
+# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. #
+# #
+set -eP
+umask 022
+export LC_ALL=C
+export TZ=UTC0
+export ASAN_OPTIONS="abort_on_error=1"
+export LSAN_OPTIONS="abort_on_error=1"
+export MSAN_OPTIONS="abort_on_error=1"
+export TSAN_OPTIONS="abort_on_error=1"
+export UBSAN_OPTIONS="abort_on_error=1"
+export LS_COLORS=""
+if [ -t 1 ]; then
+ BLD=$(printf '\033[01m')
+ RED=$(printf '\033[01;31m')
+ GRN=$(printf '\033[01;32m')
+ YLW=$(printf '\033[01;33m')
+ BLU=$(printf '\033[01;34m')
+ MAG=$(printf '\033[01;35m')
+ CYN=$(printf '\033[01;36m')
+ RST=$(printf '\033[0m')
+if command -v capsh &>/dev/null; then
+ if capsh --has-p=cap_dac_override &>/dev/null || capsh --has-p=cap_dac_read_search &>/dev/null; then
+ if [ -n "$BFS_TRIED_DROP" ]; then
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+${RED}error:${RST} Failed to drop capabilities.
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+${YLW}warning:${RST} Running as ${BLD}$(id -un)${RST} is not recommended. Dropping ${BLD}cap_dac_override${RST} and
+ BFS_TRIED_DROP=y exec capsh \
+ --drop=cap_dac_override,cap_dac_read_search \
+ --caps=cap_dac_override,cap_dac_read_search-eip \
+ -- "$0" "$@"
+ fi
+elif [ "$EUID" -eq 0 ]; then
+ if [ "$UNAME" = "Linux" ]; then
+ UNLESS=" unless ${GRN}capsh${RST} is installed"
+ fi
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+${RED}error:${RST} These tests expect filesystem permissions to be enforced, and therefore
+will not work when run as ${BLD}$(id -un)${RST}${UNLESS}.
+ exit 1
+function usage() {
+ local pad=$(printf "%*s" ${#0} "")
+ cat <<EOF
+Usage: ${GRN}$0${RST} [${BLU}--bfs${RST}=${MAG}path/to/bfs${RST}] [${BLU}--posix${RST}] [${BLU}--bsd${RST}] [${BLU}--gnu${RST}] [${BLU}--all${RST}] [${BLU}--sudo${RST}]
+ $pad [${BLU}--stop${RST}] [${BLU}--noclean${RST}] [${BLU}--update${RST}] [${BLU}--verbose${RST}[=${BLD}LEVEL${RST}]] [${BLU}--help${RST}]
+ $pad [${BLD}test_*${RST} [${BLD}test_*${RST} ...]]
+ ${BLU}--bfs${RST}=${MAG}path/to/bfs${RST}
+ Set the path to the bfs executable to test (default: ${MAG}./bin/bfs${RST})
+ ${BLU}--posix${RST}, ${BLU}--bsd${RST}, ${BLU}--gnu${RST}, ${BLU}--all${RST}
+ Choose which test cases to run (default: ${BLU}--all${RST})
+ ${BLU}--sudo${RST}
+ Run tests that require root
+ ${BLU}--stop${RST}
+ Stop when the first error occurs
+ ${BLU}--noclean${RST}
+ Keep the test directories around after the run
+ ${BLU}--update${RST}
+ Update the expected outputs for the test cases
+ ${BLU}--verbose${RST}=${BLD}commands${RST}
+ Log the commands that get executed
+ ${BLU}--verbose${RST}=${BLD}errors${RST}
+ Don't redirect standard error
+ ${BLU}--verbose${RST}=${BLD}skipped${RST}
+ Log which tests get skipped
+ ${BLU}--verbose${RST}=${BLD}tests${RST}
+ Log all tests that get run
+ ${BLU}--verbose${RST}
+ Log everything
+ ${BLU}--help${RST}
+ This message
+ ${BLD}test_*${RST}
+ Select individual test cases to run
+for arg; do
+ case "$arg" in
+ --bfs=*)
+ BFS="${arg#*=}"
+ ;;
+ --posix)
+ POSIX=yes
+ ;;
+ --bsd)
+ POSIX=yes
+ BSD=yes
+ ;;
+ --gnu)
+ POSIX=yes
+ GNU=yes
+ ;;
+ --all)
+ POSIX=yes
+ BSD=yes
+ GNU=yes
+ ALL=yes
+ ;;
+ --sudo)
+ SUDO=yes
+ ;;
+ --stop)
+ STOP=yes
+ ;;
+ --noclean)
+ ;;
+ --update)
+ UPDATE=yes
+ ;;
+ --verbose=commands)
+ ;;
+ --verbose=errors)
+ ;;
+ --verbose=skipped)
+ ;;
+ --verbose=tests)
+ ;;
+ --verbose)
+ ;;
+ --help)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ test_*)
+ SUDO=yes
+ enabled_tests+=("$arg")
+ ;;
+ *)
+ printf "${RED}error:${RST} Unrecognized option '%s'.\n\n" "$arg" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # General parsing
+ test_basic
+ test_parens
+ test_bang
+ test_implicit_and
+ test_a
+ test_o
+ test_weird_names
+ test_incomplete
+ test_missing_paren
+ test_extra_paren
+ # Flags
+ test_H
+ test_H_slash
+ test_H_broken
+ test_H_notdir
+ test_H_loops
+ test_L
+ test_L_broken
+ test_L_notdir
+ test_L_loops
+ test_flag_weird_names
+ test_flag_comma
+ # Primaries
+ test_depth
+ test_depth_slash
+ test_depth_error
+ test_L_depth
+ test_exec
+ test_exec_plus
+ test_exec_plus_status
+ test_exec_plus_semicolon
+ test_group_name
+ test_group_id
+ test_group_nogroup
+ test_links
+ test_links_plus
+ test_links_minus
+ test_name
+ test_name_root
+ test_name_root_depth
+ test_name_trailing_slash
+ test_name_star_star
+ test_name_character_class
+ test_name_bracket
+ test_name_backslash
+ test_name_double_backslash
+ test_newer
+ test_newer_link
+ test_nogroup
+ test_nogroup_ulimit
+ test_nouser
+ test_nouser_ulimit
+ test_ok_stdin
+ test_ok_plus_semicolon
+ test_path
+ test_perm_000
+ test_perm_000_minus
+ test_perm_222
+ test_perm_222_minus
+ test_perm_644
+ test_perm_644_minus
+ test_perm_symbolic
+ test_perm_symbolic_minus
+ test_perm_leading_plus_symbolic_minus
+ test_permcopy
+ test_perm_setid
+ test_perm_sticky
+ test_prune
+ test_prune_file
+ test_prune_or_print
+ test_not_prune
+ test_size
+ test_size_plus
+ test_size_bytes
+ test_type_d
+ test_type_f
+ test_type_l
+ test_H_type_l
+ test_L_type_l
+ test_type_bind_mount
+ test_user_name
+ test_user_id
+ test_user_nouser
+ test_xdev
+ test_L_xdev
+ # Closed file descriptors
+ test_closed_stdin
+ test_closed_stdout
+ test_closed_stderr
+ # PATH_MAX handling
+ test_deep
+ # Optimizer tests
+ test_or_purity
+ test_double_negation
+ test_de_morgan_not
+ test_de_morgan_and
+ test_de_morgan_or
+ test_data_flow_group
+ test_data_flow_user
+ test_data_flow_type
+ test_data_flow_and_swap
+ test_data_flow_or_swap
+ # Flags
+ test_E
+ test_P
+ test_P_slash
+ test_X
+ test_d_path
+ test_f
+ test_s
+ test_double_dash
+ test_flag_double_dash
+ # Primaries
+ test_acl
+ test_L_acl
+ test_anewer
+ test_asince
+ test_delete
+ test_delete_many
+ test_depth_maxdepth_1
+ test_depth_maxdepth_2
+ test_depth_mindepth_1
+ test_depth_mindepth_2
+ test_depth_n
+ test_depth_n_plus
+ test_depth_n_minus
+ test_depth_depth_n
+ test_depth_depth_n_plus
+ test_depth_depth_n_minus
+ test_depth_overflow
+ test_data_flow_depth
+ test_exec_substring
+ test_execdir_pwd
+ test_execdir_slash
+ test_execdir_slash_pwd
+ test_execdir_slashes
+ test_execdir_ulimit
+ test_exit
+ test_exit_no_implicit_print
+ test_flags
+ test_follow
+ test_gid_name
+ test_ilname
+ test_L_ilname
+ test_iname
+ test_inum
+ test_inum_mount
+ test_inum_bind_mount
+ test_ipath
+ test_iregex
+ test_lname
+ test_L_lname
+ test_ls
+ test_L_ls
+ test_maxdepth
+ test_mindepth
+ test_mnewer
+ test_H_mnewer
+ test_mount
+ test_L_mount
+ test_msince
+ test_mtime_units
+ test_name_slash
+ test_name_slashes
+ test_H_newer
+ test_newerma
+ test_newermt
+ test_newermt_epoch_minus_one
+ test_ok_stdin
+ test_ok_closed_stdin
+ test_okdir_stdin
+ test_okdir_closed_stdin
+ test_perm_000_plus
+ test_perm_222_plus
+ test_perm_644_plus
+ test_printx
+ test_quit
+ test_quit_child
+ test_quit_depth
+ test_quit_depth_child
+ test_quit_after_print
+ test_quit_before_print
+ test_quit_implicit_print
+ test_rm
+ test_regex
+ test_regex_parens
+ test_samefile
+ test_samefile_symlink
+ test_H_samefile_symlink
+ test_L_samefile_symlink
+ test_samefile_broken
+ test_H_samefile_broken
+ test_L_samefile_broken
+ test_samefile_notdir
+ test_H_samefile_notdir
+ test_L_samefile_notdir
+ test_size_T
+ test_size_big
+ test_uid_name
+ test_xattr
+ test_L_xattr
+ test_xattrname
+ test_L_xattrname
+ # Optimizer tests
+ test_data_flow_sparse
+ # General parsing
+ test_not
+ test_and
+ test_or
+ test_comma
+ test_precedence
+ test_follow_comma
+ # Flags
+ test_P
+ test_P_slash
+ test_L_loops_continue
+ test_double_dash
+ test_flag_double_dash
+ # Primaries
+ test_anewer
+ test_path_d
+ test_daystart
+ test_daystart_twice
+ test_delete
+ test_delete_many
+ test_L_delete
+ test_depth_mindepth_1
+ test_depth_mindepth_2
+ test_depth_maxdepth_1
+ test_depth_maxdepth_2
+ test_empty
+ test_empty_special
+ test_exec_nothing
+ test_exec_substring
+ test_exec_flush
+ test_exec_flush_fail
+ test_exec_plus_flush
+ test_exec_plus_flush_fail
+ test_execdir
+ test_execdir_substring
+ test_execdir_plus_semicolon
+ test_execdir_pwd
+ test_execdir_slash
+ test_execdir_slash_pwd
+ test_execdir_slashes
+ test_execdir_ulimit
+ test_executable
+ test_false
+ test_files0_from_file
+ test_files0_from_stdin
+ test_files0_from_none
+ test_files0_from_empty
+ test_files0_from_nowhere
+ test_files0_from_nothing
+ test_files0_from_ok
+ test_fls
+ test_follow
+ test_fprint
+ test_fprint_duplicate
+ test_fprint_error
+ test_fprint_noerror
+ test_fprint_noarg
+ test_fprint_nonexistent
+ test_fprint_truncate
+ test_fprint0
+ test_fprintf
+ test_fprintf_nofile
+ test_fprintf_noformat
+ test_fstype
+ test_gid
+ test_gid_plus
+ test_gid_plus_plus
+ test_gid_minus
+ test_gid_minus_plus
+ test_ignore_readdir_race
+ test_ignore_readdir_race_root
+ test_ignore_readdir_race_notdir
+ test_ilname
+ test_L_ilname
+ test_iname
+ test_inum
+ test_inum_mount
+ test_inum_bind_mount
+ test_inum_automount
+ test_ipath
+ test_iregex
+ test_iwholename
+ test_lname
+ test_L_lname
+ test_ls
+ test_L_ls
+ test_maxdepth
+ test_mindepth
+ test_mount
+ test_L_mount
+ test_name_slash
+ test_name_slashes
+ test_H_newer
+ test_newerma
+ test_newermt
+ test_newermt_epoch_minus_one
+ test_ok_closed_stdin
+ test_ok_nothing
+ test_okdir_closed_stdin
+ test_okdir_plus_semicolon
+ test_perm_000_slash
+ test_perm_222_slash
+ test_perm_644_slash
+ test_perm_symbolic_slash
+ test_perm_leading_plus_symbolic_slash
+ test_print_error
+ test_print0
+ test_printf
+ test_printf_empty
+ test_printf_slash
+ test_printf_slashes
+ test_printf_trailing_slash
+ test_printf_trailing_slashes
+ test_printf_flags
+ test_printf_types
+ test_printf_escapes
+ test_printf_times
+ test_printf_leak
+ test_printf_nul
+ test_printf_Y_error
+ test_printf_H
+ test_printf_u_g_ulimit
+ test_printf_l_nonlink
+ test_quit
+ test_quit_child
+ test_quit_depth
+ test_quit_depth_child
+ test_quit_after_print
+ test_quit_before_print
+ test_readable
+ test_regex
+ test_regex_parens
+ test_regex_error
+ test_regex_invalid_utf8
+ test_regextype_posix_basic
+ test_regextype_posix_extended
+ test_regextype_ed
+ test_regextype_emacs
+ test_regextype_grep
+ test_regextype_sed
+ test_samefile
+ test_samefile_symlink
+ test_H_samefile_symlink
+ test_L_samefile_symlink
+ test_samefile_broken
+ test_H_samefile_broken
+ test_L_samefile_broken
+ test_samefile_notdir
+ test_H_samefile_notdir
+ test_L_samefile_notdir
+ test_size_big
+ test_true
+ test_uid
+ test_uid_plus
+ test_uid_plus_plus
+ test_uid_minus
+ test_uid_minus_plus
+ test_wholename
+ test_writable
+ test_xtype_l
+ test_xtype_f
+ test_L_xtype_l
+ test_L_xtype_f
+ test_xtype_bind_mount
+ # Optimizer tests
+ test_and_purity
+ test_not_reachability
+ test_comma_reachability
+ test_and_false_or_true
+ test_comma_redundant_true
+ test_comma_redundant_false
+ # General parsing
+ test_path_flag_expr
+ test_path_expr_flag
+ test_flag_expr_path
+ test_expr_flag_path
+ test_expr_path_flag
+ test_unexpected_operator
+ test_typo
+ # Flags
+ test_D_multi
+ test_D_all
+ test_O0
+ test_O1
+ test_O2
+ test_O3
+ test_Ofast
+ test_S_bfs
+ test_S_dfs
+ test_S_ids
+ # Special forms
+ test_exclude_name
+ test_exclude_depth
+ test_exclude_mindepth
+ test_exclude_print
+ test_exclude_exclude
+ # Primaries
+ test_capable
+ test_L_capable
+ test_color
+ test_color_L
+ test_color_rs_lc_rc_ec
+ test_color_escapes
+ test_color_nul
+ test_color_ln_target
+ test_color_L_ln_target
+ test_color_mh
+ test_color_mh0
+ test_color_or
+ test_color_mi
+ test_color_or_mi
+ test_color_or_mi0
+ test_color_or0_mi
+ test_color_or0_mi0
+ test_color_su_sg0
+ test_color_su0_sg
+ test_color_su0_sg0
+ test_color_st_tw_ow0
+ test_color_st_tw0_ow
+ test_color_st_tw0_ow0
+ test_color_st0_tw_ow
+ test_color_st0_tw_ow0
+ test_color_st0_tw0_ow
+ test_color_st0_tw0_ow0
+ test_color_ext
+ test_color_ext0
+ test_color_ext_override
+ test_color_ext_underride
+ test_color_missing_colon
+ test_color_no_stat
+ test_color_L_no_stat
+ test_color_star
+ test_color_ls
+ test_exec_flush_fprint
+ test_exec_flush_fprint_fail
+ test_execdir_plus
+ test_fprint_duplicate_stdout
+ test_fprint_error_stdout
+ test_fprint_error_stderr
+ test_help
+ test_hidden
+ test_hidden_root
+ test_links_noarg
+ test_links_empty
+ test_links_negative
+ test_links_invalid
+ test_newerma_nonexistent
+ test_newermt_invalid
+ test_newermq
+ test_newerqm
+ test_nohidden
+ test_nohidden_depth
+ test_perm_symbolic_trailing_comma
+ test_perm_symbolic_double_comma
+ test_perm_symbolic_missing_action
+ test_perm_leading_plus_symbolic
+ test_printf_w
+ test_printf_incomplete_escape
+ test_printf_invalid_escape
+ test_printf_incomplete_format
+ test_printf_invalid_format
+ test_printf_duplicate_flag
+ test_printf_must_be_numeric
+ test_printf_color
+ test_type_multi
+ test_unique
+ test_unique_depth
+ test_L_unique
+ test_L_unique_loops
+ test_L_unique_depth
+ test_version
+ test_xtype_multi
+ # Optimizer tests
+ test_data_flow_hidden
+ test_xtype_reorder
+ test_xtype_depth
+ # PATH_MAX handling
+ test_deep_strict
+ # Error handling
+ test_stderr_fails_silently
+ test_stderr_fails_loudly
+if [ "$DEFAULT" ]; then
+ POSIX=yes
+ BSD=yes
+ GNU=yes
+ ALL=yes
+if [ ! "$EXPLICIT" ]; then
+ [ "$POSIX" ] && enabled_tests+=("${posix_tests[@]}")
+ [ "$BSD" ] && enabled_tests+=("${bsd_tests[@]}")
+ [ "$GNU" ] && enabled_tests+=("${gnu_tests[@]}")
+ [ "$ALL" ] && enabled_tests+=("${bfs_tests[@]}")
+eval "enabled_tests=($(printf '%q\n' "${enabled_tests[@]}" | sort -u))"
+function _realpath() {
+ (
+ cd "$(dirname -- "$1")"
+ echo "$PWD/$(basename -- "$1")"
+ )
+TESTS=$(_realpath "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")
+BIN=$(_realpath "$TESTS/../bin")
+# Try to resolve the path to $BFS before we cd, while also supporting
+# --bfs="./bin/bfs -S ids"
+read -a BFS <<<"${BFS:-$BIN/bfs}"
+BFS[0]=$(_realpath "$(command -v "${BFS[0]}")")
+# The temporary directory that will hold our test data
+TMP=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/bfs.XXXXXXXXXX)
+chown "$(id -u):$(id -g)" "$TMP"
+# Clean up temporary directories on exit
+function cleanup() {
+ # Don't force rm to deal with long paths
+ for dir in "$TMP"/deep/*/*; do
+ if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
+ (cd "$dir" && rm -rf *)
+ fi
+ done
+ # In case a test left anything weird in scratch/
+ if [ -e "$TMP"/scratch ]; then
+ chmod -R +rX "$TMP"/scratch
+ fi
+ rm -rf "$TMP"
+if [ "$CLEAN" ]; then
+ trap cleanup EXIT
+ echo "Test files saved to $TMP"
+# Install a file, creating any parent directories
+function installp() {
+ local target="${@: -1}"
+ mkdir -p "${target%/*}"
+ install "$@"
+# Prefer GNU touch to work around
+if command -v gtouch &>/dev/null; then
+ TOUCH=gtouch
+ TOUCH=touch
+# Like a mythical touch -p
+function touchp() {
+ for arg; do
+ installp -m644 /dev/null "$arg"
+ done
+# Creates a simple file+directory structure for tests
+function make_basic() {
+ touchp "$1/a"
+ touchp "$1/b"
+ touchp "$1/c/d"
+ touchp "$1/e/f"
+ mkdir -p "$1/g/h"
+ mkdir -p "$1/i"
+ touchp "$1/j/foo"
+ touchp "$1/k/foo/bar"
+ touchp "$1/l/foo/bar/baz"
+ echo baz >"$1/l/foo/bar/baz"
+make_basic "$TMP/basic"
+# Creates a file+directory structure with various permissions for tests
+function make_perms() {
+ installp -m000 /dev/null "$1/0"
+ installp -m444 /dev/null "$1/r"
+ installp -m222 /dev/null "$1/w"
+ installp -m644 /dev/null "$1/rw"
+ installp -m555 /dev/null "$1/rx"
+ installp -m311 /dev/null "$1/wx"
+ installp -m755 /dev/null "$1/rwx"
+make_perms "$TMP/perms"
+# Creates a file+directory structure with various symbolic and hard links
+function make_links() {
+ touchp "$1/file"
+ ln -s file "$1/symlink"
+ ln "$1/file" "$1/hardlink"
+ ln -s nowhere "$1/broken"
+ ln -s symlink/file "$1/notdir"
+ mkdir -p "$1/deeply/nested/dir"
+ touchp "$1/deeply/nested/file"
+ ln -s file "$1/deeply/nested/link"
+ ln -s nowhere "$1/deeply/nested/broken"
+ ln -s deeply/nested "$1/skip"
+make_links "$TMP/links"
+# Creates a file+directory structure with symbolic link loops
+function make_loops() {
+ touchp "$1/file"
+ ln -s file "$1/symlink"
+ ln -s nowhere "$1/broken"
+ ln -s symlink/file "$1/notdir"
+ ln -s loop "$1/loop"
+ mkdir -p "$1/deeply/nested/dir"
+ ln -s ../../deeply "$1/deeply/nested/loop"
+ ln -s deeply/nested/loop/nested "$1/skip"
+make_loops "$TMP/loops"
+# Creates a file+directory structure with varying timestamps
+function make_times() {
+ mkdir -p "$1"
+ $TOUCH -t 199112140000 "$1/a"
+ $TOUCH -t 199112140001 "$1/b"
+ $TOUCH -t 199112140002 "$1/c"
+ ln -s a "$1/l"
+ $TOUCH -h -t 199112140003 "$1/l"
+ $TOUCH -t 199112140004 "$1"
+make_times "$TMP/times"
+# Creates a file+directory structure with various weird file/directory names
+function make_weirdnames() {
+ touchp "$1/-/a"
+ touchp "$1/(/b"
+ touchp "$1/(-/c"
+ touchp "$1/!/d"
+ touchp "$1/!-/e"
+ touchp "$1/,/f"
+ touchp "$1/)/g"
+ touchp "$1/.../h"
+ touchp "$1/\\/i"
+ touchp "$1/ /j"
+ touchp "$1/[/k"
+make_weirdnames "$TMP/weirdnames"
+# Creates a very deep directory structure for testing PATH_MAX handling
+function make_deep() {
+ mkdir -p "$1"
+ # $name will be 255 characters, aka _XOPEN_NAME_MAX
+ local name="0123456789ABCDEF"
+ name="${name}${name}${name}${name}"
+ name="${name}${name}${name}${name}"
+ name="${name:0:255}"
+ for i in {0..9} A B C D E F; do
+ (
+ mkdir "$1/$i"
+ cd "$1/$i"
+ # 16 * 256 == 4096 == PATH_MAX
+ for _ in {1..16}; do
+ mkdir "$name"
+ cd "$name" 2>/dev/null
+ done
+ $TOUCH "$name"
+ )
+ done
+make_deep "$TMP/deep"
+# Creates a directory structure with many different types, and therefore colors
+function make_rainbow() {
+ touchp "$1/file.txt"
+ touchp "$1/file.dat"
+ touchp "$1/star".{gz,tar,tar.gz}
+ ln -s file.txt "$1/link.txt"
+ touchp "$1/mh1"
+ ln "$1/mh1" "$1/mh2"
+ mkfifo "$1/pipe"
+ # TODO: block
+ ln -s /dev/null "$1/chardev_link"
+ ln -s nowhere "$1/broken"
+ "$BIN/tests/mksock" "$1/socket"
+ touchp "$1"/s{u,g,ug}id
+ chmod u+s "$1"/su{,g}id
+ chmod g+s "$1"/s{u,}gid
+ mkdir "$1/ow" "$1"/sticky{,_ow}
+ chmod o+w "$1"/*ow
+ chmod +t "$1"/sticky*
+ touchp "$1"/
+ chmod +x "$1"/
+make_rainbow "$TMP/rainbow"
+# Creates a scratch directory that tests can modify
+function make_scratch() {
+ mkdir -p "$1"
+make_scratch "$TMP/scratch"
+# Close stdin so bfs doesn't think we're interactive
+exec </dev/null
+if [ "$VERBOSE_COMMANDS" ]; then
+ # dup stdout for verbose logging even when redirected
+ exec 3>&1
+function bfs_verbose() {
+ if [ "$VERBOSE_COMMANDS" ]; then
+ if [ -t 3 ]; then
+ printf "${GRN}%q${RST} " "${BFS[@]}" >&3
+ local expr_started=
+ for arg; do
+ if [[ $arg == -[A-Z]* ]]; then
+ printf "${CYN}%q${RST} " "$arg" >&3
+ elif [[ $arg == [\(!] || $arg == -[ao] || $arg == -and || $arg == -or || $arg == -not ]]; then
+ expr_started=yes
+ printf "${RED}%q${RST} " "$arg" >&3
+ elif [[ $expr_started && $arg == [\),] ]]; then
+ printf "${RED}%q${RST} " "$arg" >&3
+ elif [[ $arg == -?* ]]; then
+ expr_started=yes
+ printf "${BLU}%q${RST} " "$arg" >&3
+ elif [ "$expr_started" ]; then
+ printf "${BLD}%q${RST} " "$arg" >&3
+ else
+ printf "${MAG}%q${RST} " "$arg" >&3
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ printf '%q ' "${BFS[@]}" "$@" >&3
+ fi
+ printf '\n' >&3
+ fi
+function invoke_bfs() {
+ bfs_verbose "$@"
+ "${BFS[@]}" "$@"
+# Expect a command to fail, but not crash
+function fail() {
+ "$@"
+ local STATUS="$?"
+ if ((STATUS > 125)); then
+ exit "$STATUS"
+ elif ((STATUS > 0)); then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+# Detect colored diff support
+if [ -t 2 ] && diff --color=always /dev/null /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+ DIFF="diff --color=always"
+ DIFF="diff"
+# Return value when bfs fails
+# Return value when a difference is detected
+# Return value when a test is skipped
+function bfs_diff() (
+ bfs_verbose "$@"
+ # Close the dup()'d stdout to make sure we have enough fd's for the process
+ # substitution, even with low ulimit -n
+ exec 3>&-
+ local CALLER
+ for CALLER in "${FUNCNAME[@]}"; do
+ if [[ $CALLER == test_* ]]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$UPDATE" ]; then
+ else
+ local ACTUAL="$TMP/$CALLER.out"
+ fi
+ "${BFS[@]}" "$@" | sort >"$ACTUAL"
+ local STATUS="${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
+ if [ ! "$UPDATE" ]; then
+ $DIFF -u "$EXPECTED" "$ACTUAL" >&2 || return $EX_DIFF
+ fi
+ if [ "$STATUS" -eq 0 ]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return $EX_BFS
+ fi
+function skip() {
+ exit $EX_SKIP
+function skip_if() {
+ if "$@"; then
+ skip
+ fi
+function skip_unless() {
+ skip_if fail "$@"
+function closefrom() {
+ if [ -d /proc/self/fd ]; then
+ local fds=/proc/self/fd
+ else
+ local fds=/dev/fd
+ fi
+ for fd in "$fds"/*; do
+ if [ ! -e "$fd" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ local fd="${fd##*/}"
+ if [ "$fd" -ge "$1" ]; then
+ eval "exec ${fd}<&-"
+ fi
+ done
+function inum() {
+ ls -id "$@" | awk '{ print $1 }'
+cd "$TMP"
+set +e
+# Test cases
+function test_basic() {
+ bfs_diff basic
+function test_type_d() {
+ bfs_diff basic -type d
+function test_type_f() {
+ bfs_diff basic -type f
+function test_type_l() {
+ bfs_diff links/skip -type l
+function test_H_type_l() {
+ bfs_diff -H links/skip -type l
+function test_L_type_l() {
+ bfs_diff -L links/skip -type l
+function test_type_multi() {
+ bfs_diff links -type f,d,c
+function test_mindepth() {
+ bfs_diff basic -mindepth 1
+function test_maxdepth() {
+ bfs_diff basic -maxdepth 1
+function test_depth() {
+ bfs_diff basic -depth
+function test_depth_slash() {
+ bfs_diff basic/ -depth
+function test_depth_mindepth_1() {
+ bfs_diff basic -mindepth 1 -depth
+function test_depth_mindepth_2() {
+ bfs_diff basic -mindepth 2 -depth
+function test_depth_maxdepth_1() {
+ bfs_diff basic -maxdepth 1 -depth
+function test_depth_maxdepth_2() {
+ bfs_diff basic -maxdepth 2 -depth
+function test_depth_error() {
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ touchp scratch/foo/bar
+ chmod a-r scratch/foo
+ bfs_diff scratch -depth
+ local ret=$?
+ chmod +r scratch/foo
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ [ $ret -eq $EX_BFS ]
+function test_name() {
+ bfs_diff basic -name '*f*'
+function test_name_root() {
+ bfs_diff basic/a -name a
+function test_name_root_depth() {
+ bfs_diff basic/g -depth -name g
+function test_name_trailing_slash() {
+ bfs_diff basic/g/ -name g
+function test_name_slash() {
+ bfs_diff / -maxdepth 0 -name /
+function test_name_slashes() {
+ bfs_diff /// -maxdepth 0 -name /
+function test_name_star_star() {
+ bfs_diff basic -name '**f**'
+function test_name_character_class() {
+ bfs_diff basic -name '[e-g][!a-n][!p-z]'
+function test_name_bracket() {
+ # fnmatch() is broken on macOS
+ skip_if test "$UNAME" = "Darwin"
+ # An unclosed [ should be matched literally
+ bfs_diff weirdnames -name '['
+function test_name_backslash() {
+ # An unescaped \ doesn't match
+ bfs_diff weirdnames -name '\'
+function test_name_double_backslash() {
+ # An escaped \\ matches
+ bfs_diff weirdnames -name '\\'
+function test_path() {
+ bfs_diff basic -path 'basic/*f*'
+function test_wholename() {
+ bfs_diff basic -wholename 'basic/*f*'
+function test_true() {
+ bfs_diff basic -true
+function test_false() {
+ bfs_diff basic -false
+function test_executable() {
+ bfs_diff perms -executable
+function test_readable() {
+ bfs_diff perms -readable
+function test_writable() {
+ bfs_diff perms -writable
+function test_empty() {
+ bfs_diff basic -empty
+function test_empty_special() {
+ bfs_diff rainbow -empty
+function test_gid() {
+ bfs_diff basic -gid "$(id -g)"
+function test_gid_plus() {
+ skip_if test "$(id -g)" -eq 0
+ bfs_diff basic -gid +0
+function test_gid_plus_plus() {
+ skip_if test "$(id -g)" -eq 0
+ bfs_diff basic -gid ++0
+function test_gid_minus() {
+ bfs_diff basic -gid "-$(($(id -g) + 1))"
+function test_gid_minus_plus() {
+ bfs_diff basic -gid "-+$(($(id -g) + 1))"
+function test_uid() {
+ bfs_diff basic -uid "$(id -u)"
+function test_uid_plus() {
+ skip_if test "$(id -u)" -eq 0
+ bfs_diff basic -uid +0
+function test_uid_plus_plus() {
+ skip_if test "$(id -u)" -eq 0
+ bfs_diff basic -uid ++0
+function test_uid_minus() {
+ bfs_diff basic -uid "-$(($(id -u) + 1))"
+function test_uid_minus_plus() {
+ bfs_diff basic -uid "-+$(($(id -u) + 1))"
+function test_newer() {
+ bfs_diff times -newer times/a
+function test_newer_link() {
+ bfs_diff times -newer times/l
+function test_anewer() {
+ bfs_diff times -anewer times/a
+function test_asince() {
+ bfs_diff times -asince 1991-12-14T00:01
+function test_links() {
+ bfs_diff links -type f -links 2
+function test_links_plus() {
+ bfs_diff links -type f -links +1
+function test_links_minus() {
+ bfs_diff links -type f -links -2
+function test_links_noarg() {
+ fail invoke_bfs links -links
+function test_links_empty() {
+ fail invoke_bfs links -links ''
+function test_links_negative() {
+ fail invoke_bfs links -links +-1
+function test_links_invalid() {
+ fail invoke_bfs links -links ASDF
+function test_P() {
+ bfs_diff -P links/deeply/nested/dir
+function test_P_slash() {
+ bfs_diff -P links/deeply/nested/dir/
+function test_H() {
+ bfs_diff -H links/deeply/nested/dir
+function test_H_slash() {
+ bfs_diff -H links/deeply/nested/dir/
+function test_H_broken() {
+ bfs_diff -H links/broken
+function test_H_notdir() {
+ bfs_diff -H links/notdir
+function test_H_newer() {
+ bfs_diff -H times -newer times/l
+function test_H_loops() {
+ bfs_diff -H loops/deeply/nested/loop
+function test_L() {
+ bfs_diff -L links
+function test_L_broken() {
+ bfs_diff -H links/broken
+function test_L_notdir() {
+ bfs_diff -H links/notdir
+function test_L_loops() {
+ # POSIX says it's okay to either stop or keep going on seeing a filesystem
+ # loop, as long as a diagnostic is printed
+ local errors=$(invoke_bfs -L loops 2>&1 >/dev/null)
+ [ -n "$errors" ]
+function test_L_loops_continue() {
+ bfs_diff -L loops
+ [ $? -eq $EX_BFS ]
+function test_X() {
+ bfs_diff -X weirdnames
+ [ $? -eq $EX_BFS ]
+function test_follow() {
+ bfs_diff links -follow
+function test_L_depth() {
+ bfs_diff -L links -depth
+function test_samefile() {
+ bfs_diff links -samefile links/file
+function test_samefile_symlink() {
+ bfs_diff links -samefile links/symlink
+function test_H_samefile_symlink() {
+ bfs_diff -H links -samefile links/symlink
+function test_L_samefile_symlink() {
+ bfs_diff -L links -samefile links/symlink
+function test_samefile_broken() {
+ bfs_diff links -samefile links/broken
+function test_H_samefile_broken() {
+ bfs_diff -H links -samefile links/broken
+function test_L_samefile_broken() {
+ bfs_diff -L links -samefile links/broken
+function test_samefile_notdir() {
+ bfs_diff links -samefile links/notdir
+function test_H_samefile_notdir() {
+ bfs_diff -H links -samefile links/notdir
+function test_L_samefile_notdir() {
+ bfs_diff -L links -samefile links/notdir
+function test_xtype_l() {
+ bfs_diff links -xtype l
+function test_xtype_f() {
+ bfs_diff links -xtype f
+function test_L_xtype_l() {
+ bfs_diff -L links -xtype l
+function test_L_xtype_f() {
+ bfs_diff -L links -xtype f
+function test_xtype_multi() {
+ bfs_diff links -xtype f,d,c
+function test_xtype_reorder() {
+ # Make sure -xtype is not reordered in front of anything -- if -xtype runs
+ # before -links 100, it will report an ELOOP error
+ bfs_diff loops -links 100 -xtype l
+ invoke_bfs loops -links 100 -xtype l
+function test_xtype_depth() {
+ # Make sure -xtype is considered side-effecting for facts_when_impure
+ fail invoke_bfs loops -xtype l -depth 100
+function test_iname() {
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs -quit -iname PATTERN
+ bfs_diff basic -iname '*F*'
+function test_ipath() {
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs -quit -ipath PATTERN
+ bfs_diff basic -ipath 'basic/*F*'
+function test_iwholename() {
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs -quit -iwholename PATTERN
+ bfs_diff basic -iwholename 'basic/*F*'
+function test_lname() {
+ bfs_diff links -lname '[aq]'
+function test_ilname() {
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs -quit -ilname PATTERN
+ bfs_diff links -ilname '[AQ]'
+function test_L_lname() {
+ bfs_diff -L links -lname '[aq]'
+function test_L_ilname() {
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs -quit -ilname PATTERN
+ bfs_diff -L links -ilname '[AQ]'
+function test_user_name() {
+ bfs_diff basic -user "$(id -un)"
+function test_user_id() {
+ bfs_diff basic -user "$(id -u)"
+function test_user_nouser() {
+ # Regression test: this was wrongly optimized to -false
+ bfs_diff basic -user "$(id -u)" \! -nouser
+function test_group_name() {
+ bfs_diff basic -group "$(id -gn)"
+function test_group_id() {
+ bfs_diff basic -group "$(id -g)"
+function test_group_nogroup() {
+ # Regression test: this was wrongly optimized to -false
+ bfs_diff basic -group "$(id -g)" \! -nogroup
+function test_daystart() {
+ bfs_diff basic -daystart -mtime 0
+function test_daystart_twice() {
+ bfs_diff basic -daystart -daystart -mtime 0
+function test_newerma() {
+ bfs_diff times -newerma times/a
+function test_newermt() {
+ bfs_diff times -newermt 1991-12-14T00:01
+function test_newermt_epoch_minus_one() {
+ bfs_diff times -newermt 1969-12-31T23:59:59Z
+function test_newermt_invalid() {
+ fail invoke_bfs times -newermt not_a_date_time
+function test_newerma_nonexistent() {
+ fail invoke_bfs times -newerma basic/nonexistent
+function test_newermq() {
+ fail invoke_bfs times -newermq times/a
+function test_newerqm() {
+ fail invoke_bfs times -newerqm times/a
+function test_size() {
+ bfs_diff basic -type f -size 0
+function test_size_plus() {
+ bfs_diff basic -type f -size +0
+function test_size_bytes() {
+ bfs_diff basic -type f -size +0c
+function test_size_big() {
+ bfs_diff basic -size 9223372036854775807
+function test_exec() {
+ bfs_diff basic -exec echo {} \;
+function test_exec_nothing() {
+ # Regression test: don't segfault on missing command
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -exec \;
+function test_exec_plus() {
+ bfs_diff basic -exec "$TESTS/" {} +
+function test_exec_plus_status() {
+ # -exec ... {} + should always return true, but if the command fails, bfs
+ # should exit with a non-zero status
+ bfs_diff basic -exec false {} + -print
+ (($? == EX_BFS))
+function test_exec_plus_semicolon() {
+ # POSIX says:
+ # Only a <plus-sign> that immediately follows an argument containing only the two characters "{}"
+ # shall punctuate the end of the primary expression. Other uses of the <plus-sign> shall not be
+ # treated as special.
+ bfs_diff basic -exec echo foo {} bar + baz \;
+function test_exec_substring() {
+ bfs_diff basic -exec echo '-{}-' \;
+function test_exec_flush() {
+ # IO streams should be flushed before executing programs
+ bfs_diff basic -print0 -exec echo found \;
+function test_exec_flush_fail() {
+ # Failure to flush streams before exec should be caught
+ skip_unless test -e /dev/full
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -print0 -exec true \; >/dev/full
+function test_exec_flush_fprint() {
+ # Even non-stdstreams should be flushed
+ bfs_diff basic/a -fprint scratch/foo -exec cat scratch/foo \;
+function test_exec_flush_fprint_fail() {
+ skip_unless test -e /dev/full
+ fail invoke_bfs basic/a -fprint /dev/full -exec true \;
+function test_exec_plus_flush() {
+ bfs_diff basic/a -print0 -exec echo found {} +
+function test_exec_plus_flush_fail() {
+ skip_unless test -e /dev/full
+ fail invoke_bfs basic/a -print0 -exec echo found {} + >/dev/full
+function test_execdir() {
+ bfs_diff basic -execdir echo {} \;
+function test_execdir_plus() {
+ local tree=$(invoke_bfs -D tree 2>&1 -quit)
+ if [[ "$tree" == *"-S dfs"* ]]; then
+ skip
+ fi
+ bfs_diff basic -execdir "$TESTS/" {} +
+function test_execdir_substring() {
+ bfs_diff basic -execdir echo '-{}-' \;
+function test_execdir_plus_semicolon() {
+ bfs_diff basic -execdir echo foo {} bar + baz \;
+function test_execdir_pwd() {
+ local TMP_REAL=$(cd "$TMP" && pwd)
+ local OFFSET=$((${#TMP_REAL} + 2))
+ bfs_diff basic -execdir bash -c "pwd | cut -b$OFFSET-" \;
+function test_execdir_slash() {
+ # Don't prepend ./ for absolute paths in -execdir
+ bfs_diff / -maxdepth 0 -execdir echo {} \;
+function test_execdir_slash_pwd() {
+ bfs_diff / -maxdepth 0 -execdir pwd \;
+function test_execdir_slashes() {
+ bfs_diff /// -maxdepth 0 -execdir echo {} \;
+function test_execdir_ulimit() {
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ mkdir -p scratch/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y/z
+ mkdir -p scratch/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/m/0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/A/B/C
+ closefrom 4
+ ulimit -n 13
+ bfs_diff scratch -execdir echo {} \;
+function test_weird_names() {
+ cd weirdnames
+ bfs_diff '-' '(-' '!-' ',' ')' './(' './!' \( \! -print -o -print \)
+function test_flag_weird_names() {
+ cd weirdnames
+ bfs_diff -L '-' '(-' '!-' ',' ')' './(' './!' \( \! -print -o -print \)
+function test_flag_comma() {
+ # , is a filename until a non-flag is seen
+ cd weirdnames
+ bfs_diff -L ',' -print
+function test_follow_comma() {
+ # , is an operator after a non-flag is seen
+ cd weirdnames
+ bfs_diff -follow ',' -print
+function test_fprint() {
+ invoke_bfs basic -fprint scratch/test_fprint.out
+ sort -o scratch/test_fprint.out scratch/test_fprint.out
+ if [ "$UPDATE" ]; then
+ cp {scratch,"$TESTS"}/test_fprint.out
+ else
+ $DIFF -u {"$TESTS",scratch}/test_fprint.out
+ fi
+function test_fprint_duplicate() {
+ touchp scratch/test_fprint_duplicate.out
+ ln scratch/test_fprint_duplicate.out scratch/test_fprint_duplicate.hard
+ ln -s test_fprint_duplicate.out scratch/test_fprint_duplicate.soft
+ invoke_bfs basic -fprint scratch/test_fprint_duplicate.out -fprint scratch/test_fprint_duplicate.hard -fprint scratch/test_fprint_duplicate.soft
+ sort -o scratch/test_fprint_duplicate.out scratch/test_fprint_duplicate.out
+ if [ "$UPDATE" ]; then
+ cp {scratch,"$TESTS"}/test_fprint_duplicate.out
+ else
+ $DIFF -u {"$TESTS",scratch}/test_fprint_duplicate.out
+ fi
+function test_fprint_duplicate_stdout() {
+ touchp scratch/test_fprint_duplicate_stdout.out
+ invoke_bfs basic -fprint scratch/test_fprint_duplicate_stdout.out -print >scratch/test_fprint_duplicate_stdout.out
+ sort -o scratch/test_fprint_duplicate_stdout.out{,}
+ if [ "$UPDATE" ]; then
+ cp {scratch,"$TESTS"}/test_fprint_duplicate_stdout.out
+ else
+ $DIFF -u {"$TESTS",scratch}/test_fprint_duplicate_stdout.out
+ fi
+function test_fprint_noarg() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -fprint
+function test_fprint_nonexistent() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -fprint scratch/nonexistent/path
+function test_fprint_truncate() {
+ printf "basic\nbasic\n" >scratch/test_fprint_truncate.out
+ invoke_bfs basic -maxdepth 0 -fprint scratch/test_fprint_truncate.out
+ sort -o scratch/test_fprint_truncate.out scratch/test_fprint_truncate.out
+ if [ "$UPDATE" ]; then
+ cp {scratch,"$TESTS"}/test_fprint_truncate.out
+ else
+ $DIFF -u {"$TESTS",scratch}/test_fprint_truncate.out
+ fi
+function test_double_dash() {
+ cd basic
+ bfs_diff -- . -type f
+function test_flag_double_dash() {
+ cd basic
+ bfs_diff -L -- . -type f
+function test_ignore_readdir_race() {
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ $TOUCH scratch/{foo,bar}
+ # -links 1 forces a stat() call, which will fail for the second file
+ invoke_bfs scratch -mindepth 1 -ignore_readdir_race -links 1 -exec "$TESTS/" {} \;
+function test_ignore_readdir_race_root() {
+ # Make sure -ignore_readdir_race doesn't suppress ENOENT at the root
+ fail invoke_bfs basic/nonexistent -ignore_readdir_race
+function test_ignore_readdir_race_notdir() {
+ # Check -ignore_readdir_race handling when a directory is replaced with a file
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ touchp scratch/foo/bar
+ invoke_bfs scratch -mindepth 1 -ignore_readdir_race -execdir rm -r {} \; -execdir $TOUCH {} \;
+function test_perm_000() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm 000
+function test_perm_000_minus() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm -000
+function test_perm_000_slash() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm /000
+function test_perm_000_plus() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm +000
+function test_perm_222() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm 222
+function test_perm_222_minus() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm -222
+function test_perm_222_slash() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm /222
+function test_perm_222_plus() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm +222
+function test_perm_644() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm 644
+function test_perm_644_minus() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm -644
+function test_perm_644_slash() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm /644
+function test_perm_644_plus() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm +644
+function test_perm_symbolic() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm a+r,u=wX,g+wX-w
+function test_perm_symbolic_minus() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm -a+r,u=wX,g+wX-w
+function test_perm_symbolic_slash() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm /a+r,u=wX,g+wX-w
+function test_perm_symbolic_trailing_comma() {
+ fail invoke_bfs perms -perm a+r,
+function test_perm_symbolic_double_comma() {
+ fail invoke_bfs perms -perm a+r,,u+w
+function test_perm_symbolic_missing_action() {
+ fail invoke_bfs perms -perm a
+function test_perm_leading_plus_symbolic() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm +rwx
+function test_perm_leading_plus_symbolic_minus() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm -+rwx
+function test_perm_leading_plus_symbolic_slash() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm /+rwx
+function test_permcopy() {
+ bfs_diff perms -perm u+rw,g+u-w,o=g
+function test_perm_setid() {
+ bfs_diff rainbow -perm -u+s -o -perm -g+s
+function test_perm_sticky() {
+ bfs_diff rainbow -perm -a+t
+function test_prune() {
+ bfs_diff basic -name foo -prune
+function test_prune_file() {
+ bfs_diff basic -print -name '?' -prune
+function test_prune_or_print() {
+ bfs_diff basic -name foo -prune -o -print
+function test_not_prune() {
+ bfs_diff basic \! \( -name foo -prune \)
+function test_ok_nothing() {
+ # Regression test: don't segfault on missing command
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -ok \;
+function test_ok_stdin() {
+ # -ok should *not* close stdin
+ # See
+ yes | bfs_diff basic -ok bash -c 'printf "%s? " "$1" && head -n1' bash {} \;
+function test_okdir_stdin() {
+ # -okdir should *not* close stdin
+ yes | bfs_diff basic -okdir bash -c 'printf "%s? " "$1" && head -n1' bash {} \;
+function test_ok_plus_semicolon() {
+ yes | bfs_diff basic -ok echo {} + \;
+function test_okdir_plus_semicolon() {
+ yes | bfs_diff basic -okdir echo {} + \;
+function test_delete() {
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ touchp scratch/foo/bar/baz
+ # Don't try to delete '.'
+ (cd scratch && invoke_bfs . -delete)
+ bfs_diff scratch
+function test_delete_many() {
+ # Test for
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ mkdir scratch/foo
+ $TOUCH scratch/foo/{1..256}
+ invoke_bfs scratch/foo -delete
+ bfs_diff scratch
+function test_L_delete() {
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ mkdir scratch/foo
+ mkdir scratch/bar
+ ln -s ../foo scratch/bar/baz
+ # Don't try to rmdir() a symlink
+ invoke_bfs -L scratch/bar -delete || return 1
+ bfs_diff scratch
+function test_rm() {
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ touchp scratch/foo/bar/baz
+ (cd scratch && invoke_bfs . -rm)
+ bfs_diff scratch
+function test_regex() {
+ bfs_diff basic -regex 'basic/./.'
+function test_iregex() {
+ bfs_diff basic -iregex 'basic/[A-Z]/[a-z]'
+function test_regex_parens() {
+ cd weirdnames
+ bfs_diff . -regex '\./\((\)'
+function test_regex_error() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -regex '['
+function test_regex_invalid_utf8() {
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ # Incomplete UTF-8 sequences
+ skip_unless touch scratch/$'\xC3'
+ skip_unless touch scratch/$'\xE2\x84'
+ skip_unless touch scratch/$'\xF0\x9F\x92'
+ bfs_diff scratch -regex 'scratch/..'
+function test_E() {
+ cd weirdnames
+ bfs_diff -E . -regex '\./(\()'
+function test_regextype_posix_basic() {
+ cd weirdnames
+ bfs_diff -regextype posix-basic -regex '\./\((\)'
+function test_regextype_posix_extended() {
+ cd weirdnames
+ bfs_diff -regextype posix-extended -regex '\./(\()'
+function test_regextype_ed() {
+ cd weirdnames
+ bfs_diff -regextype ed -regex '\./\((\)'
+function test_regextype_emacs() {
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs -regextype emacs -quit
+ bfs_diff basic -regextype emacs -regex '.*/\(f+o?o?\|bar\)'
+function test_regextype_grep() {
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs -regextype grep -quit
+ bfs_diff basic -regextype grep -regex '.*/f\+o\?o\?'
+function test_regextype_sed() {
+ cd weirdnames
+ bfs_diff -regextype sed -regex '\./\((\)'
+function test_d_path() {
+ bfs_diff -d basic
+function test_path_d() {
+ bfs_diff basic -d
+function test_f() {
+ cd weirdnames
+ bfs_diff -f '-' -f '('
+function test_s() {
+ invoke_bfs -s weirdnames -maxdepth 1 >"$TMP/test_s.out"
+ if [ "$UPDATE" ]; then
+ cp {"$TMP","$TESTS"}/test_s.out
+ else
+ $DIFF -u {"$TESTS","$TMP"}/test_s.out
+ fi
+function test_hidden() {
+ bfs_diff weirdnames -hidden
+function test_hidden_root() {
+ cd weirdnames
+ bfs_diff . ./. ... ./... .../.. -hidden
+function test_nohidden() {
+ bfs_diff weirdnames -nohidden
+function test_nohidden_depth() {
+ bfs_diff weirdnames -depth -nohidden
+function test_depth_n() {
+ bfs_diff basic -depth 2
+function test_depth_n_plus() {
+ bfs_diff basic -depth +2
+function test_depth_n_minus() {
+ bfs_diff basic -depth -2
+function test_depth_depth_n() {
+ bfs_diff basic -depth -depth 2
+function test_depth_depth_n_plus() {
+ bfs_diff basic -depth -depth +2
+function test_depth_depth_n_minus() {
+ bfs_diff basic -depth -depth -2
+function test_depth_overflow() {
+ bfs_diff basic -depth -4294967296
+function test_gid_name() {
+ bfs_diff basic -gid "$(id -gn)"
+function test_uid_name() {
+ bfs_diff basic -uid "$(id -un)"
+function test_mnewer() {
+ bfs_diff times -mnewer times/a
+function test_H_mnewer() {
+ bfs_diff -H times -mnewer times/l
+function test_msince() {
+ bfs_diff times -msince 1991-12-14T00:01
+function test_mtime_units() {
+ bfs_diff times -mtime +500w400d300h200m100s
+function test_size_T() {
+ bfs_diff basic -type f -size 1T
+function test_quit() {
+ bfs_diff basic/g -print -name g -quit
+function test_quit_child() {
+ bfs_diff basic/g -print -name h -quit
+function test_quit_depth() {
+ bfs_diff basic/g -depth -print -name g -quit
+function test_quit_depth_child() {
+ bfs_diff basic/g -depth -print -name h -quit
+function test_quit_after_print() {
+ bfs_diff basic basic -print -quit
+function test_quit_before_print() {
+ bfs_diff basic basic -quit -print
+function test_quit_implicit_print() {
+ bfs_diff basic -name basic -o -quit
+function test_inum() {
+ bfs_diff basic -inum "$(inum basic/k/foo/bar)"
+function test_nogroup() {
+ bfs_diff basic -nogroup
+function test_nogroup_ulimit() {
+ closefrom 4
+ ulimit -n 16
+ bfs_diff deep -nogroup
+function test_nouser() {
+ bfs_diff basic -nouser
+function test_nouser_ulimit() {
+ closefrom 4
+ ulimit -n 16
+ bfs_diff deep -nouser
+function test_ls() {
+ invoke_bfs rainbow -ls >scratch/test_ls.out
+function test_L_ls() {
+ invoke_bfs -L rainbow -ls >scratch/test_L_ls.out
+function test_fls() {
+ invoke_bfs rainbow -fls scratch/test_fls.out
+function test_printf() {
+ bfs_diff basic -printf '%%p(%p) %%d(%d) %%f(%f) %%h(%h) %%H(%H) %%P(%P) %%m(%m) %%M(%M) %%y(%y)\n'
+function test_printf_empty() {
+ bfs_diff basic -printf ''
+function test_printf_slash() {
+ bfs_diff / -maxdepth 0 -printf '(%h)/(%f)\n'
+function test_printf_slashes() {
+ bfs_diff /// -maxdepth 0 -printf '(%h)/(%f)\n'
+function test_printf_trailing_slash() {
+ bfs_diff basic/ -printf '(%h)/(%f)\n'
+function test_printf_trailing_slashes() {
+ bfs_diff basic/// -printf '(%h)/(%f)\n'
+function test_printf_flags() {
+ bfs_diff basic -printf '|%- 10.10p| %+03d %#4m\n'
+function test_printf_types() {
+ bfs_diff loops -printf '(%p) (%l) %y %Y\n'
+function test_printf_escapes() {
+ bfs_diff basic -maxdepth 0 -printf '\18\118\1118\11118\n\cfoo'
+function test_printf_times() {
+ bfs_diff times -type f -printf '%p | %a %AY-%Am-%Ad %AH:%AI:%AS %T@ | %t %TY-%Tm-%Td %TH:%TI:%TS %T@\n'
+function test_printf_leak() {
+ # Memory leak regression test
+ bfs_diff basic -maxdepth 0 -printf '%p'
+function test_printf_nul() {
+ # NUL byte regression test
+ bfs_diff basic -maxdepth 0 -printf '%h\0%f\n'
+function test_printf_w() {
+ # Birth times may not be supported, so just check that %w/%W/%B can be parsed
+ bfs_diff times -false -printf '%w %WY %BY\n'
+function test_printf_Y_error() {
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ mkdir scratch/foo
+ chmod -x scratch/foo
+ ln -s foo/bar scratch/bar
+ bfs_diff scratch -printf '(%p) (%l) %y %Y\n'
+ local ret=$?
+ chmod +x scratch/foo
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ [ $ret -eq $EX_BFS ]
+function test_printf_H() {
+ bfs_diff basic links -printf '%%p(%p) %%d(%d) %%f(%f) %%h(%h) %%H(%H) %%P(%P) %%y(%y)\n'
+function test_printf_u_g_ulimit() {
+ closefrom 4
+ ulimit -n 16
+ [ "$(invoke_bfs deep -printf '%u %g\n' | uniq)" = "$(id -un) $(id -gn)" ]
+function test_printf_l_nonlink() {
+ bfs_diff links -printf '| %26p -> %-26l |\n'
+function test_printf_incomplete_escape() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -printf '\'
+function test_printf_invalid_escape() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -printf '\!'
+function test_printf_incomplete_format() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -printf '%'
+function test_printf_invalid_format() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -printf '%!'
+function test_printf_duplicate_flag() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -printf '%--p'
+function test_printf_must_be_numeric() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -printf '%+p'
+function test_printf_color() {
+ bfs_diff -color -path './rainbow*' -printf '%H %h %f %p %P %l\n'
+function test_fprintf() {
+ invoke_bfs basic -fprintf scratch/test_fprintf.out '%%p(%p) %%d(%d) %%f(%f) %%h(%h) %%H(%H) %%P(%P) %%m(%m) %%M(%M) %%y(%y)\n'
+ sort -o scratch/test_fprintf.out scratch/test_fprintf.out
+ if [ "$UPDATE" ]; then
+ cp scratch/test_fprintf.out "$TESTS/test_fprintf.out"
+ else
+ $DIFF -u "$TESTS/test_fprintf.out" scratch/test_fprintf.out
+ fi
+function test_fprintf_nofile() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -fprintf
+function test_fprintf_noformat() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -fprintf /dev/null
+function test_fstype() {
+ fstype=$(invoke_bfs basic -maxdepth 0 -printf '%F\n')
+ bfs_diff basic -fstype "$fstype"
+function test_path_flag_expr() {
+ bfs_diff links/skip -H -type l
+function test_path_expr_flag() {
+ bfs_diff links/skip -type l -H
+function test_flag_expr_path() {
+ bfs_diff -H -type l links/skip
+function test_expr_flag_path() {
+ bfs_diff -type l -H links/skip
+function test_expr_path_flag() {
+ bfs_diff -type l links/skip -H
+function test_parens() {
+ bfs_diff basic \( -name '*f*' \)
+function test_bang() {
+ bfs_diff basic \! -name foo
+function test_not() {
+ bfs_diff basic -not -name foo
+function test_implicit_and() {
+ bfs_diff basic -name foo -type d
+function test_a() {
+ bfs_diff basic -name foo -a -type d
+function test_and() {
+ bfs_diff basic -name foo -and -type d
+function test_o() {
+ bfs_diff basic -name foo -o -type d
+function test_or() {
+ bfs_diff basic -name foo -or -type d
+function test_comma() {
+ bfs_diff basic -name '*f*' -print , -print
+function test_precedence() {
+ bfs_diff basic \( -name foo -type d -o -name bar -a -type f \) -print , \! -empty -type f -print
+function test_incomplete() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic \(
+function test_missing_paren() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic \( -print
+function test_extra_paren() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -print \)
+function test_color() {
+ bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_L() {
+ bfs_diff -L rainbow -color
+function test_color_rs_lc_rc_ec() {
+ LS_COLORS="rs=RS:lc=LC:rc=RC:ec=EC:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_escapes() {
+ LS_COLORS="lc=\e[:rc=\155\::ec=^[\x5B\x6d:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_nul() {
+ LS_COLORS="ec=\33[m\0:" bfs_diff rainbow -color -maxdepth 0
+function test_color_ln_target() {
+ LS_COLORS="ln=target:or=01;31:mi=01;33:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_L_ln_target() {
+ LS_COLORS="ln=target:or=01;31:mi=01;33:" bfs_diff -L rainbow -color
+function test_color_mh() {
+ LS_COLORS="mh=01:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_mh0() {
+ LS_COLORS="mh=00:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_or() {
+ LS_COLORS="or=01:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_mi() {
+ LS_COLORS="mi=01:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_or_mi() {
+ LS_COLORS="or=01;31:mi=01;33:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_or_mi0() {
+ LS_COLORS="or=01;31:mi=00:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_or0_mi() {
+ LS_COLORS="or=00:mi=01;33:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_or0_mi0() {
+ LS_COLORS="or=00:mi=00:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_su_sg0() {
+ LS_COLORS="su=37;41:sg=00:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_su0_sg() {
+ LS_COLORS="su=00:sg=30;43:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_su0_sg0() {
+ LS_COLORS="su=00:sg=00:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_st_tw_ow0() {
+ LS_COLORS="st=37;44:tw=40;32:ow=00:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_st_tw0_ow() {
+ LS_COLORS="st=37;44:tw=00:ow=34;42:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_st_tw0_ow0() {
+ LS_COLORS="st=37;44:tw=00:ow=00:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_st0_tw_ow() {
+ LS_COLORS="st=00:tw=40;32:ow=34;42:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_st0_tw_ow0() {
+ LS_COLORS="st=00:tw=40;32:ow=00:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_st0_tw0_ow() {
+ LS_COLORS="st=00:tw=00:ow=34;42:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_st0_tw0_ow0() {
+ LS_COLORS="st=00:tw=00:ow=00:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_ext() {
+ LS_COLORS="*.txt=01:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_ext0() {
+ LS_COLORS="*.txt=00:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_ext_override() {
+ LS_COLORS="*.tar.gz=01;31:*.TAR=01;32:*.gz=01;33:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_ext_underride() {
+ LS_COLORS="*.gz=01;33:*.TAR=01;32:*.tar.gz=01;31:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_missing_colon() {
+ LS_COLORS="*.txt=01" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_no_stat() {
+ LS_COLORS="mh=0:ex=0:sg=0:su=0:st=0:ow=0:tw=0:*.txt=01:" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_L_no_stat() {
+ LS_COLORS="mh=0:ex=0:sg=0:su=0:st=0:ow=0:tw=0:*.txt=01:" bfs_diff -L rainbow -color
+function test_color_star() {
+ # Regression test: don't segfault on LS_COLORS="*"
+ LS_COLORS="*" bfs_diff rainbow -color
+function test_color_ls() {
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ touchp scratch/foo/bar/baz
+ ln -s foo/bar/baz scratch/link
+ ln -s foo/bar/nowhere scratch/broken
+ ln -s foo/bar/nowhere/nothing scratch/nested
+ ln -s foo/bar/baz/qux scratch/notdir
+ ln -s scratch/foo/bar scratch/relative
+ mkdir scratch/__bfs__
+ ln -s /__bfs__/nowhere scratch/absolute
+ local EXPECTED="$TESTS/${FUNCNAME[0]}.out"
+ if [ "$UPDATE" ]; then
+ else
+ local ACTUAL="$TMP/${FUNCNAME[0]}.out"
+ fi
+ LS_COLORS="or=01;31:" invoke_bfs scratch/{,link,broken,nested,notdir,relative,absolute} -color -type l -ls \
+ | sed 's/.* -> //' \
+ | sort -o "$ACTUAL"
+ if [ ! "$UPDATE" ]; then
+ fi
+function test_deep() {
+ closefrom 4
+ ulimit -n 16
+ bfs_diff deep -type f -exec bash -c 'echo "${1:0:6}/.../${1##*/} (${#1})"' bash {} \;
+function test_deep_strict() {
+ closefrom 4
+ # Not even enough fds to keep the root open
+ ulimit -n 7
+ bfs_diff deep -type f -exec bash -c 'echo "${1:0:6}/.../${1##*/} (${#1})"' bash {} \;
+function test_exit() {
+ invoke_bfs basic -name foo -exit 42
+ if [ $? -ne 42 ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ invoke_bfs basic -name qux -exit 42
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ bfs_diff basic/g -print -name g -exit
+function test_exit_no_implicit_print() {
+ bfs_diff basic -not -name foo -o -exit
+function test_printx() {
+ bfs_diff weirdnames -printx
+function test_and_purity() {
+ # Regression test: (-a lhs(pure) rhs(always_false)) <==> rhs is only valid if rhs is pure
+ bfs_diff basic -name nonexistent \( -print , -false \)
+function test_or_purity() {
+ # Regression test: (-o lhs(pure) rhs(always_true)) <==> rhs is only valid if rhs is pure
+ bfs_diff basic -name '*' -o -print
+function test_double_negation() {
+ bfs_diff basic \! \! -name 'foo'
+function test_not_reachability() {
+ bfs_diff basic -print \! -quit -print
+function test_comma_reachability() {
+ bfs_diff basic -print -quit , -print
+function test_de_morgan_not() {
+ bfs_diff basic \! \( -name 'foo' -o \! -type f \)
+function test_de_morgan_and() {
+ bfs_diff basic \( \! -name 'foo' -a \! -type f \)
+function test_de_morgan_or() {
+ bfs_diff basic \( \! -name 'foo' -o \! -type f \)
+function test_and_false_or_true() {
+ # Test (-a lhs(always_true) -false) <==> (! lhs),
+ # (-o lhs(always_false) -true) <==> (! lhs)
+ bfs_diff basic -prune -false -o -true
+function test_comma_redundant_true() {
+ # Test (, lhs(always_true) -true) <==> lhs
+ bfs_diff basic -prune , -true
+function test_comma_redundant_false() {
+ # Test (, lhs(always_false) -false) <==> lhs
+ bfs_diff basic -print -not -prune , -false
+function test_data_flow_depth() {
+ bfs_diff basic -depth +1 -depth -4
+function test_data_flow_group() {
+ bfs_diff basic \( -group "$(id -g)" -nogroup \) -o \( -group "$(id -g)" -o -nogroup \)
+function test_data_flow_user() {
+ bfs_diff basic \( -user "$(id -u)" -nouser \) -o \( -user "$(id -u)" -o -nouser \)
+function test_data_flow_hidden() {
+ bfs_diff basic \( -hidden -not -hidden \) -o \( -hidden -o -not -hidden \)
+function test_data_flow_sparse() {
+ bfs_diff basic \( -sparse -not -sparse \) -o \( -sparse -o -not -sparse \)
+function test_data_flow_type() {
+ bfs_diff basic \! \( -type f -o \! -type f \)
+function test_data_flow_and_swap() {
+ bfs_diff basic \! -type f -a -type d
+function test_data_flow_or_swap() {
+ bfs_diff basic \! \( -type f -o \! -type d \)
+function test_print_error() {
+ skip_unless test -e /dev/full
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -maxdepth 0 >/dev/full
+function test_fprint_error() {
+ skip_unless test -e /dev/full
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -maxdepth 0 -fprint /dev/full
+function test_fprint_noerror() {
+ # Regression test: /dev/full should not fail until actually written to
+ skip_unless test -e /dev/full
+ invoke_bfs basic -false -fprint /dev/full
+function test_fprint_error_stdout() {
+ skip_unless test -e /dev/full
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -maxdepth 0 -fprint /dev/full >/dev/full
+function test_fprint_error_stderr() {
+ skip_unless test -e /dev/full
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -maxdepth 0 -fprint /dev/full 2>/dev/full
+function test_print0() {
+ bfs_diff basic/a basic/b -print0
+function test_fprint0() {
+ invoke_bfs basic/a basic/b -fprint0 scratch/test_fprint0.out
+ if [ "$UPDATE" ]; then
+ cp scratch/test_fprint0.out "$TESTS/test_fprint0.out"
+ else
+ cmp -s scratch/test_fprint0.out "$TESTS/test_fprint0.out"
+ fi
+function test_closed_stdin() {
+ bfs_diff basic <&-
+function test_ok_closed_stdin() {
+ bfs_diff basic -ok echo \; <&-
+function test_okdir_closed_stdin() {
+ bfs_diff basic -okdir echo {} \; <&-
+function test_closed_stdout() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic >&-
+function test_closed_stderr() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic >&- 2>&-
+function test_unique() {
+ bfs_diff links/{file,symlink,hardlink} -unique
+function test_unique_depth() {
+ bfs_diff basic -unique -depth
+function test_L_unique() {
+ bfs_diff -L links/{file,symlink,hardlink} -unique
+function test_L_unique_loops() {
+ bfs_diff -L loops/deeply/nested -unique
+function test_L_unique_depth() {
+ bfs_diff -L loops/deeply/nested -unique -depth
+function test_mount() {
+ skip_unless test "$SUDO"
+ skip_if test "$UNAME" = "Darwin"
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ mkdir scratch/{foo,mnt}
+ sudo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs scratch/mnt
+ $TOUCH scratch/foo/bar scratch/mnt/baz
+ bfs_diff scratch -mount
+ local ret=$?
+ sudo umount scratch/mnt
+ return $ret
+function test_L_mount() {
+ skip_unless test "$SUDO"
+ skip_if test "$UNAME" = "Darwin"
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ mkdir scratch/{foo,mnt}
+ sudo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs scratch/mnt
+ ln -s ../mnt scratch/foo/bar
+ $TOUCH scratch/mnt/baz
+ ln -s ../mnt/baz scratch/foo/qux
+ bfs_diff -L scratch -mount
+ local ret=$?
+ sudo umount scratch/mnt
+ return $ret
+function test_xdev() {
+ skip_unless test "$SUDO"
+ skip_if test "$UNAME" = "Darwin"
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ mkdir scratch/{foo,mnt}
+ sudo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs scratch/mnt
+ $TOUCH scratch/foo/bar scratch/mnt/baz
+ bfs_diff scratch -xdev
+ local ret=$?
+ sudo umount scratch/mnt
+ return $ret
+function test_L_xdev() {
+ skip_unless test "$SUDO"
+ skip_if test "$UNAME" = "Darwin"
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ mkdir scratch/{foo,mnt}
+ sudo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs scratch/mnt
+ ln -s ../mnt scratch/foo/bar
+ $TOUCH scratch/mnt/baz
+ ln -s ../mnt/baz scratch/foo/qux
+ bfs_diff -L scratch -xdev
+ local ret=$?
+ sudo umount scratch/mnt
+ return $ret
+function test_inum_mount() {
+ skip_unless test "$SUDO"
+ skip_if test "$UNAME" = "Darwin"
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ mkdir scratch/{foo,mnt}
+ sudo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs scratch/mnt
+ bfs_diff scratch -inum "$(inum scratch/mnt)"
+ local ret=$?
+ sudo umount scratch/mnt
+ return $ret
+function test_inum_bind_mount() {
+ skip_unless test "$SUDO"
+ skip_unless test "$UNAME" = "Linux"
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ $TOUCH scratch/{foo,bar}
+ sudo mount --bind scratch/{foo,bar}
+ bfs_diff scratch -inum "$(inum scratch/bar)"
+ local ret=$?
+ sudo umount scratch/bar
+ return $ret
+function test_type_bind_mount() {
+ skip_unless test "$SUDO"
+ skip_unless test "$UNAME" = "Linux"
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ $TOUCH scratch/{file,null}
+ sudo mount --bind /dev/null scratch/null
+ bfs_diff scratch -type c
+ local ret=$?
+ sudo umount scratch/null
+ return $ret
+function test_xtype_bind_mount() {
+ skip_unless test "$SUDO"
+ skip_unless test "$UNAME" = "Linux"
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ $TOUCH scratch/{file,null}
+ sudo mount --bind /dev/null scratch/null
+ ln -s /dev/null scratch/link
+ bfs_diff -L scratch -type c
+ local ret=$?
+ sudo umount scratch/null
+ return $ret
+function test_inum_automount() {
+ # bfs shouldn't trigger automounts unless it descends into them
+ skip_unless test "$SUDO"
+ skip_unless command -v systemd-mount &>/dev/null
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ mkdir scratch/{foo,mnt}
+ skip_unless sudo systemd-mount -A -o bind basic scratch/mnt
+ local before=$(inum scratch/mnt)
+ bfs_diff scratch -inum "$before" -prune
+ local ret=$?
+ local after=$(inum scratch/mnt)
+ sudo systemd-umount scratch/mnt
+ ((ret == 0 && before == after))
+function set_acl() {
+ case "$UNAME" in
+ Darwin)
+ chmod +a "$(id -un) allow read,write" "$1"
+ ;;
+ FreeBSD)
+ if [ "$(getconf ACL_NFS4 "$1")" -gt 0 ]; then
+ setfacl -m "u:$(id -un):rw::allow" "$1"
+ else
+ setfacl -m "u:$(id -un):rw" "$1"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ setfacl -m "u:$(id -un):rw" "$1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+function test_acl() {
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs scratch -quit -acl
+ $TOUCH scratch/{normal,acl}
+ skip_unless set_acl scratch/acl
+ ln -s acl scratch/link
+ bfs_diff scratch -acl
+function test_L_acl() {
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs scratch -quit -acl
+ $TOUCH scratch/{normal,acl}
+ skip_unless set_acl scratch/acl
+ ln -s acl scratch/link
+ bfs_diff -L scratch -acl
+function test_capable() {
+ skip_unless test "$SUDO"
+ skip_unless test "$UNAME" = "Linux"
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs scratch -quit -capable
+ $TOUCH scratch/{normal,capable}
+ sudo setcap all+ep scratch/capable
+ ln -s capable scratch/link
+ bfs_diff scratch -capable
+function test_L_capable() {
+ skip_unless test "$SUDO"
+ skip_unless test "$UNAME" = "Linux"
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs scratch -quit -capable
+ $TOUCH scratch/{normal,capable}
+ sudo setcap all+ep scratch/capable
+ ln -s capable scratch/link
+ bfs_diff -L scratch -capable
+function make_xattrs() {
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ $TOUCH scratch/{normal,xattr,xattr_2}
+ ln -s xattr scratch/link
+ ln -s normal scratch/xattr_link
+ case "$UNAME" in
+ Darwin)
+ xattr -w bfs_test true scratch/xattr \
+ && xattr -w bfs_test_2 true scratch/xattr_2 \
+ && xattr -s -w bfs_test true scratch/xattr_link
+ ;;
+ FreeBSD)
+ setextattr user bfs_test true scratch/xattr \
+ && setextattr user bfs_test_2 true scratch/xattr_2 \
+ && setextattr -h user bfs_test true scratch/xattr_link
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Linux tmpfs doesn't support the user.* namespace, so we use the security.*
+ # namespace, which is writable by root and readable by others
+ [ "$SUDO" ] \
+ && sudo setfattr -n security.bfs_test scratch/xattr \
+ && sudo setfattr -n security.bfs_test_2 scratch/xattr_2 \
+ && sudo setfattr -h -n security.bfs_test scratch/xattr_link
+ ;;
+ esac
+function test_xattr() {
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs scratch -quit -xattr
+ skip_unless make_xattrs
+ bfs_diff scratch -xattr
+function test_L_xattr() {
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs scratch -quit -xattr
+ skip_unless make_xattrs
+ bfs_diff -L scratch -xattr
+function test_xattrname() {
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs scratch -quit -xattr
+ skip_unless make_xattrs
+ case "$UNAME" in
+ Darwin|FreeBSD)
+ bfs_diff scratch -xattrname bfs_test
+ ;;
+ *)
+ bfs_diff scratch -xattrname security.bfs_test
+ ;;
+ esac
+function test_L_xattrname() {
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs scratch -quit -xattr
+ skip_unless make_xattrs
+ case "$UNAME" in
+ Darwin|FreeBSD)
+ bfs_diff -L scratch -xattrname bfs_test
+ ;;
+ *)
+ bfs_diff -L scratch -xattrname security.bfs_test
+ ;;
+ esac
+function test_help() {
+ invoke_bfs -help | grep -E '\{...?\}' && return 1
+ invoke_bfs -D help | grep -E '\{...?\}' && return 1
+ invoke_bfs -S help | grep -E '\{...?\}' && return 1
+ invoke_bfs -regextype help | grep -E '\{...?\}' && return 1
+ return 0
+function test_version() {
+ invoke_bfs -version >/dev/null
+function test_typo() {
+ invoke_bfs -dikkiq 2>&1 | grep follow >/dev/null
+function test_D_multi() {
+ bfs_diff -D opt,tree,unknown basic
+function test_D_all() {
+ bfs_diff -D all basic
+function test_O0() {
+ bfs_diff -O0 basic -not \( -type f -not -type f \)
+function test_O1() {
+ bfs_diff -O1 basic -not \( -type f -not -type f \)
+function test_O2() {
+ bfs_diff -O2 basic -not \( -type f -not -type f \)
+function test_O3() {
+ bfs_diff -O3 basic -not \( -type f -not -type f \)
+function test_Ofast() {
+ bfs_diff -Ofast basic -not \( -xtype f -not -xtype f \)
+function test_S() {
+ invoke_bfs -S "$1" -s basic >"scratch/test_S_$1.out"
+ if [ "$UPDATE" ]; then
+ cp {scratch,"$TESTS"}/"test_S_$1.out"
+ else
+ $DIFF -u {"$TESTS",scratch}/"test_S_$1.out"
+ fi
+function test_S_bfs() {
+ test_S bfs
+function test_S_dfs() {
+ test_S dfs
+function test_S_ids() {
+ test_S ids
+function test_exclude_name() {
+ bfs_diff basic -exclude -name foo
+function test_exclude_depth() {
+ bfs_diff basic -depth -exclude -name foo
+function test_exclude_mindepth() {
+ bfs_diff basic -mindepth 3 -exclude -name foo
+function test_exclude_print() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -exclude -print
+function test_exclude_exclude() {
+ fail invoke_bfs basic -exclude -exclude -name foo
+function test_flags() {
+ skip_unless invoke_bfs scratch -quit -flags offline
+ rm -rf scratch/*
+ $TOUCH scratch/{foo,bar}
+ skip_unless chflags offline scratch/bar
+ bfs_diff scratch -flags -offline,nohidden
+function test_files0_from_file() {
+ cd weirdnames
+ invoke_bfs -mindepth 1 -fprintf ../scratch/ "%P\0"
+ bfs_diff -files0-from ../scratch/
+function test_files0_from_stdin() {
+ cd weirdnames
+ invoke_bfs -mindepth 1 -printf "%P\0" | bfs_diff -files0-from -
+function test_files0_from_none() {
+ printf "" | fail invoke_bfs -files0-from -
+function test_files0_from_empty() {
+ printf "\0" | fail invoke_bfs -files0-from -
+function test_files0_from_nowhere() {
+ fail invoke_bfs -files0-from
+function test_files0_from_nothing() {
+ fail invoke_bfs -files0-from basic/nonexistent
+function test_files0_from_ok() {
+ printf "basic\0" | fail invoke_bfs -files0-from - -ok echo {} \;
+function test_stderr_fails_silently() {
+ skip_unless test -e /dev/full
+ bfs_diff -D all basic 2>/dev/full
+function test_stderr_fails_loudly() {
+ skip_unless test -e /dev/full
+ fail invoke_bfs -D all basic -false -fprint /dev/full 2>/dev/full
+function test_unexpected_operator() {
+ fail invoke_bfs \! -o -print
+function update_eol() {
+ # Put the cursor at the last column, then write a space so the next
+ # character will wrap
+ EOL="\\033[${COLUMNS}G "
+if [[ -t 1 && ! "$VERBOSE_TESTS" ]]; then
+ BOL='\r\033[K'
+ # Workaround for bash 4: checkwinsize is off by default. We can turn it on,
+ # but we also have to explicitly trigger a foreground job to finish so that
+ # it will update the window size before we use $COLUMNS
+ shopt -s checkwinsize
+ (:)
+ update_eol
+ trap update_eol WINCH
+for test in "${enabled_tests[@]}"; do
+ printf "${BOL}${YLW}%s${RST}${EOL}" "$test"
+ if [ "$VERBOSE_ERRORS" ]; then
+ ("$test")
+ else
+ ("$test") 2>"$TMP/stderr"
+ fi
+ status=$?
+ if ((status == 0)); then
+ ((++passed))
+ elif ((status == EX_SKIP)); then
+ ((++skipped))
+ if [ "$VERBOSE_SKIPPED" ]; then
+ printf "${BOL}${CYN}%s skipped!${RST}\n" "$test"
+ fi
+ else
+ ((++failed))
+ [ "$VERBOSE_ERRORS" ] || cat "$TMP/stderr" >&2
+ printf "${BOL}${RED}%s failed!${RST}\n" "$test"
+ [ "$STOP" ] && break
+ fi
+if ((passed > 0)); then
+ printf "${BOL}${GRN}tests passed: %d${RST}\n" "$passed"
+if ((skipped > 0)); then
+ printf "${BOL}${CYN}tests skipped: %s${RST}\n" "$skipped"
+if ((failed > 0)); then
+ printf "${BOL}${RED}tests failed: %s${RST}\n" "$failed"
+ exit 1