diff options
2 files changed, 260 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/color.c b/color.c
index 640cd7e..65250bf 100644
--- a/color.c
+++ b/color.c
@@ -32,6 +32,15 @@ struct ext_color {
struct colors {
const char *reset;
+ const char *bold;
+ const char *gray;
+ const char *red;
+ const char *green;
+ const char *yellow;
+ const char *blue;
+ const char *magenta;
+ const char *cyan;
const char *normal;
const char *file;
const char *dir;
@@ -69,20 +78,27 @@ struct color_name {
static const struct color_name color_names[] = {
COLOR_NAME("bd", block),
+ COLOR_NAME("bld", bold),
+ COLOR_NAME("blu", blue),
COLOR_NAME("ca", capable),
COLOR_NAME("cd", chardev),
+ COLOR_NAME("cyn", cyan),
COLOR_NAME("di", dir),
COLOR_NAME("do", door),
COLOR_NAME("er", error),
COLOR_NAME("ex", exec),
COLOR_NAME("fi", file),
+ COLOR_NAME("grn", green),
+ COLOR_NAME("gry", gray),
COLOR_NAME("ln", link),
+ COLOR_NAME("mag", magenta),
COLOR_NAME("mh", multi_hard),
COLOR_NAME("mi", missing),
COLOR_NAME("no", normal),
COLOR_NAME("or", orphan),
COLOR_NAME("ow", ow),
COLOR_NAME("pi", pipe),
+ COLOR_NAME("red", red),
COLOR_NAME("rs", reset),
COLOR_NAME("sg", setgid),
COLOR_NAME("so", socket),
@@ -90,14 +106,11 @@ static const struct color_name color_names[] = {
COLOR_NAME("su", setuid),
COLOR_NAME("tw", sticky_ow),
COLOR_NAME("wr", warning),
+ COLOR_NAME("ylw", yellow),
static const char **look_up_color(const struct colors *colors, const char *name) {
- if (!colors) {
- return NULL;
- }
for (const struct color_name *entry = color_names; entry->name; ++entry) {
if (strcmp(name, entry->name) == 0) {
return (const char **)((char *)colors + entry->offset);
@@ -129,8 +142,18 @@ struct colors *parse_colors(const char *ls_colors) {
goto done;
+ // From man console_codes
+ colors->reset = "0";
+ colors->bold = "01";
+ colors->gray = "01;30";
+ colors->red = "01;31";
+ colors->green = "01;32";
+ colors->yellow = "01;33";
+ colors->blue = "01;34";
+ colors->magenta = "01;35";
+ colors->cyan = "01;36";
// Defaults generated by dircolors --print-database
- colors->reset = "0";
colors->normal = NULL;
colors->file = NULL;
colors->dir = "01;34";
@@ -449,9 +472,6 @@ int cfprintf(CFILE *cfile, const char *format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
- char name[3] = {0};
- const char *esc;
for (const char *i = format; *i; ++i) {
if (*i == '%') {
switch (*++i) {
@@ -482,16 +502,36 @@ int cfprintf(CFILE *cfile, const char *format, ...) {
- case '{':
- memcpy(name, i + 1, 2);
- esc = get_color(colors, name);
- if (esc && print_esc(esc, file) != 0) {
+ case '{': {
+ ++i;
+ const char *end = strchr(i, '}');
+ if (!end) {
+ goto invalid;
+ }
+ if (!colors) {
+ i = end;
+ break;
+ }
+ size_t len = end - i;
+ char name[len + 1];
+ memcpy(name, i, len);
+ name[len] = '\0';
+ const char *esc = get_color(colors, name);
+ if (!esc) {
+ goto invalid;
+ }
+ if (print_esc(esc, file) != 0) {
goto done;
- i += 3;
+ i = end;
+ }
+ invalid:
errno = EINVAL;
goto done;
diff --git a/parse.c b/parse.c
index ced1306..f8ed09c 100644
--- a/parse.c
+++ b/parse.c
@@ -1878,42 +1878,212 @@ static struct expr *parse_warn(struct parser_state *state, int warn, int arg2) {
* "Parse" -help.
static struct expr *parse_help(struct parser_state *state, int arg1, int arg2) {
- printf("Usage: %s [flags...] [paths...] [expression...]\n\n", state->command);
- printf("bfs is compatible with find; see find -help or man find for help with find-\n"
- "compatible options :)\n\n");
- printf("flags (-H/-L/-P etc.), paths, and expressions may be freely mixed in any order.\n\n");
- printf("POSIX find features:\n");
- printf(" ( EXPRESSION )\n");
- printf(" ! EXPRESSION\n");
- printf(" EXPRESSION [-a] EXPRESSION\n");
- printf(" EXPRESSION -o EXPRESSION\n\n");
- printf(" -H, -L, -name, -path, -xdev, -prune, -perm, -type, -links, -user, -group,\n");
- printf(" -size, -atime, -ctime, -mtime, -exec ... ;, -ok ... ;, -print, -newer, -depth\n\n");
- printf("GNU find features:\n");
- printf(" -not EXPRESSION\n");
- printf(" EXPRESSION -and EXPRESSION\n");
- printf(" EXPRESSION -or EXPRESSION\n");
- printf(" EXPRESSION , EXPRESSION\n\n");
- printf(" -P, -D, -O, -daystart, -follow, -regextype, -warn, -nowarn, -d, -maxdepth,\n");
- printf(" -mindepth, -mount, -noleaf, -ignore_readdir_race, -noignore_readdir_race,\n");
- printf(" -amin, -anewer, -cmin, -cnewer, -mmin, -empty, -false, -gid, -ilname, -iname,\n");
- printf(" -inum, -ipath, -iwholename, -iregex, -lname, -newerXY, -wholename, -regex,\n");
- printf(" -readable, -writable, -executable, -samefile, -true, -uid, -used, -xtype,\n");
- printf(" -delete, -execdir ... ;, -okdir ... ;, -print0, -printf, -fprint, -fprint0,\n");
- printf(" -fprintf, -quit, -help, -version\n\n");
- printf("BSD find features:\n");
- printf(" -E, -d, -x, -depth N, -gid NAME, -uid NAME, -size N[ckMGTP], -sparse\n\n");
- printf("Extra features:\n"
- " -color, -nocolor: Turn on or off file type colorization.\n\n"
- " -hidden, -nohidden: Match hidden files, or filter them out.\n\n");
- printf("%s\n", BFS_HOMEPAGE);
+ CFILE *cout = state->cmdline->cout;
+ cfprintf(cout, "Usage: %{ex}%s%{rs} [%{cyn}flags%{rs}...] [%{mag}paths%{rs}...] [%{blu}expression%{rs}...]\n\n",
+ state->command);
+ cfprintf(cout, "%{ex}bfs%{rs} is compatible with %{ex}find%{rs}; see %{ex}find%{rs} %{blu}-help%{rs} or"
+ " %{ex}man%{rs} %{bld}find%{rs} for help with %{ex}find%{rs}-\n"
+ "compatible options :)\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, "%{cyn}flags%{rs} (%{cyn}-H%{rs}/%{cyn}-L%{rs}/%{cyn}-P%{rs} etc.), %{mag}paths%{rs}, and"
+ " %{blu}expressions%{rs} may be freely mixed in any order.\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, "%{bld}POSIX find features:%{rs}\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{red}(%{rs} %{blu}expression%{rs} %{red})%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{red}!%{rs} %{blu}expression%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}expression%{rs} [%{red}-a%{rs}] %{blu}expression%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}expression%{rs} %{red}-o%{rs} %{blu}expression%{rs}\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{cyn}-H%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Follow symbolic links on the command line, but not while searching\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{cyn}-L%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Follow all symbolic links\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-depth%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Search in post-order (descendents first)\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-xdev%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Don't descend into other mount points\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-atime%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-ctime%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-mtime%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files accessed/changed/modified %{bld}N%{rs} days ago\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-group%{rs} %{bld}NAME%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-user%{rs} %{bld}NAME%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files owned by the group/user %{bld}NAME%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-links%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files with %{bld}N%{rs} hard links\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-name%{rs} %{bld}GLOB%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files whose name matches the %{bld}GLOB%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-path%{rs} %{bld}GLOB%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files whose entire path matches the %{bld}GLOB%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-newer%{rs} %{bld}FILE%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files newer than %{bld}FILE%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-perm%{rs} %{bld}[-]MODE%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files with a matching mode\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-type%{rs} %{bld}[bcdlpfs]%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files of the given type\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-size%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N[c]%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files with the given size\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-prune%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Don't descend into this directory\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-exec%{rs} %{bld}command ... {} ;%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Execute a command\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-exec%{rs} %{bld}command ... {} +%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Execute a command with multiple files at once\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-ok%{rs} %{bld}command ... {} ;%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Prompt the user whether to execute a command\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-print%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Print the path to the found file\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, "%{bld}GNU find features:%{rs}\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{red}-not%{rs} %{blu}expression%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}expression%{rs} %{red}-and%{rs} %{blu}expression%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}expression%{rs} %{red}-or%{rs} %{blu}expression%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}expression%{rs} %{red},%{rs} %{blu}expression%{rs}\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{cyn}-P%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Never follow symbolic links (the default)\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{cyn}-D%{rs} %{bld}FLAG%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Turn on a debugging flag (see -D help)\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{cyn}-O%{rs}%{bld}N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Enable optimization level %{bld}N%{rs} (default: 3)\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-d%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Search in post-order (same as %{blu}-depth%{rs})\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-daystart%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Measure times relative to the start of today\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-follow%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Follow all symbolic links (same as %{cyn}-L%{rs})\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-ignore_readdir_race%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-noignore_readdir_race%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Whether to report an error if %{ex}bfs%{rs} detects that the file tree is modified\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " during the search (default: %{blu}-noignore_readdir_race%{rs})\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-maxdepth%{rs} %{bld}N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-mindepth%{rs} %{bld}N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Ignore files deeper/shallower than %{bld}N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-mount%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Don't descend into other mount points (same as %{blu}-xdev%{rs})\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-noleaf%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Ignored, for compatibility with GNU find\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-regextype%{rs} %{bld}TYPE%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Use TYPE-flavored regexes (see -regextype help)\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-warn%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-nowarn%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Turn on or off warnings about the command line\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-amin%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-cmin%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-mmin%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files accessed/changed/modified %{bld}N%{rs} minutes ago\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-anewer%{rs} %{bld}FILE%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-cnewer%{rs} %{bld}FILE%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-mnewer%{rs} %{bld}FILE%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files accessed/changed/modified more recently than %{bld}FILE%{rs} was modified\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-empty%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find empty files/directories\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-executable%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-readable%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-writable%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files the current user can execute/read/write\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-false%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-true%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Always false/true\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-gid%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-uid%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files owned by group/user ID %{bld}N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-inum%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files with inode number %{bld}N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-lname%{rs} %{bld}GLOB%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find symbolic links whose target matches the %{bld}GLOB%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-newer%{rs}%{bld}XY%{rs} %{bld}REFERENCE%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files whose %{bld}X%{rs} time is newer than the %{bld}Y%{rs} time of"
+ " %{bld}REFERENCE%{bld}. %{bld}X%{rs} and %{bld}Y%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " can be any of [acm].\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-regex%{rs} %{bld}REGEX%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files whose entire path matches the regular expression %{bld}REGEX%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-samefile%{rs} %{bld}FILE%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find hard links to %{bld}FILE%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-size%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N[wbkMG]%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " 2-byte %{bld}w%{rs}ords, 512-byte %{bld}b%{rs}locks, and %{bld}k%{rs}iB/%{bld}M%{rs}iB"
+ "/%{bld}G%{rs}iB\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-used%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files last accessed %{bld}N%{rs} days after they were changed\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-wholename%{rs} %{bld}GLOB%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files whose entire path matches the %{bld}GLOB%{rs} (same as %{blu}-path%{rs})\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-ilname%{rs} %{bld}GLOB%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-iname%{rs} %{bld}GLOB%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-ipath%{rs} %{bld}GLOB%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-iregex%{rs} %{bld}REGEX%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-iwholename%{rs} %{bld}GLOB%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Case-insensitive versions of %{blu}-lname%{rs}/%{blu}-name%{rs}/%{blu}-path%{rs}"
+ "/%{blu}-regex%{rs}/%{blu}-wholename%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-xtype%{rs} %{bld}[bcdlpfs]%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files of the given type, following links when %{blu}-type%{rs} would not, and\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " vice versa\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-delete%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Delete any found files (implies %{blu}-depth%{rs})\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-execdir%{rs} %{bld}command ... {} ;%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-execdir%{rs} %{bld}command ... {} +%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-okdir%{rs} %{bld}command ... {} ;%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Like %{blu}-exec%{rs}/%{blu}-ok%{rs}, but run the command in the same directory as the found\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " file(s)\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-print0%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Like %{blu}-print%{rs}, but use the null character ('\\0') as a separator rather than\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " newlines\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-printf%{rs} %{bld}FORMAT%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Print according to a format string (see %{ex}man%{rs} %{bld}find%{rs})\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-fprint%{rs} %{bld}FILE%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-fprint0%{rs} %{bld}FILE%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-fprintf%{rs} %{bld}FORMAT%{rs} %{bld}FILE%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Like %{blu}-print%{rs}/%{blu}-print0%{rs}/%{blu}-printf%{rs}, but write to %{bld}FILE%{rs} instead"
+ " of standard output\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-quit%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Quit immediately\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-version%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Print version information\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-help%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Print this help message\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, "%{bld}BSD find features:%{rs}\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{cyn}-E%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Use extended regular expressions (same as %{blu}-regextype%{rs} %{bld}posix-extended%{rs})\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{cyn}-X%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Filter out files with non-%{ex}xargs%{rs}-safe names\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{cyn}-x%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Don't descend into other mount points (same as %{blu}-xdev%{rs})\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{cyn}-f%{rs} %{mag}PATH%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Treat %{mag}PATH%{rs} as a path to search (useful if it may begin with a dash)\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-depth%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files with depth %{bld}N%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-gid%{rs} %{bld}NAME%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-uid%{rs} %{bld}NAME%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Group/user names are supported in addition to numeric IDs\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-size%{rs} %{bld}[-+]N[TP]%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{bld}T%{rs}iB/%{bld}P%{rs}iB\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-sparse%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Find files that occupy fewer disk blocks than expected\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, "%{bld}Extra features:%{rs}\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-color%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-nocolor%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Turn on or off file type colorization\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-hidden%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " %{blu}-nohidden%{rs}\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, " Match hidden files, or filter them out\n\n");
+ cfprintf(cout, "%s\n", BFS_HOMEPAGE);
state->just_info = true;
return NULL;
@@ -1923,7 +2093,7 @@ static struct expr *parse_help(struct parser_state *state, int arg1, int arg2) {
* "Parse" -version.
static struct expr *parse_version(struct parser_state *state, int arg1, int arg2) {
- printf("bfs %s\n\n", BFS_VERSION);
+ cfprintf(state->cmdline->cout, "%{ex}bfs%{rs} %{bld}%s%{rs}\n\n", BFS_VERSION);
printf("%s\n", BFS_HOMEPAGE);