path: root/src/
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authorTavian Barnes <>2020-05-28 14:44:37 -0400
committerTavian Barnes <>2020-06-24 10:02:23 -0400
commit7677a551690458c4bc588955ea0d4b5db7f8942d (patch)
tree23165e1d5e017aefccf69f8ad175bd6364da880c /src/
parente9b3012520ba580b6e798512b2318df48d45c3b7 (diff)
lib: Add NearestNeighbors trait
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e18025b..b1639d7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -9,3 +9,380 @@ pub mod euclid;
pub use coords::Coordinates;
pub use distance::{Distance, Metric, Proximity};
pub use euclid::{euclidean_distance, Euclidean, EuclideanDistance};
+use std::cmp::Ordering;
+use std::convert::TryInto;
+use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
+/// A nearest neighbor.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+pub struct Neighbor<V, D> {
+ /// The neighbor itself.
+ pub item: V,
+ /// The distance from the target to this neighbor.
+ pub distance: D,
+impl<V, D> Neighbor<V, D> {
+ /// Create a new Neighbor.
+ pub fn new(item: V, distance: D) -> Self {
+ Self { item, distance }
+ }
+impl<V1, D1, V2, D2> PartialEq<Neighbor<V2, D2>> for Neighbor<V1, D1>
+ V1: PartialEq<V2>,
+ D1: PartialEq<D2>,
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Neighbor<V2, D2>) -> bool {
+ self.item == other.item && self.distance == other.distance
+ }
+/// Accumulates nearest neighbor search results.
+/// Type parameters:
+/// * `K`: The type of the search target (the "key" type)
+/// * `V`: The type of neighbors this contains (the "value" type)
+/// Neighborhood implementations keep track of the current search radius and accumulate the results,
+/// work which would otherwise have to be duplicated for every nearest neighbor search algorithm.
+/// They also serve as a customization point, allowing for functionality to be injected into any
+/// [NearestNeighbors] implementation (for example, filtering the result set or limiting the number
+/// of neighbors considered).
+pub trait Neighborhood<K: Proximity<V>, V> {
+ /// Returns the target of the nearest neighbor search.
+ fn target(&self) -> K;
+ /// Check whether a distance is within the current search radius.
+ fn contains<D>(&self, distance: D) -> bool
+ where
+ D: PartialOrd<K::Distance>;
+ /// Consider a new candidate neighbor.
+ ///
+ /// Returns ``.
+ fn consider(&mut self, item: V) -> K::Distance;
+/// A candidate nearest neighbor found during a search.
+struct Candidate<V, D>(Neighbor<V, D>);
+impl<V, D: Distance> Candidate<V, D> {
+ fn new<K>(target: K, item: V) -> Self
+ where
+ K: Proximity<V, Distance = D>,
+ {
+ let distance = target.distance(&item);
+ Self(Neighbor::new(item, distance))
+ }
+impl<V, D: PartialOrd> PartialOrd for Candidate<V, D> {
+ fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
+ self.0.distance.partial_cmp(&other.0.distance)
+ }
+impl<V, D: PartialOrd> Ord for Candidate<V, D> {
+ fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
+ self.partial_cmp(other)
+ .expect("Unordered distances found during nearest neighbor search")
+ }
+impl<V, D: PartialEq> PartialEq for Candidate<V, D> {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+ self.0.distance == other.0.distance
+ }
+impl<V, D: PartialEq> Eq for Candidate<V, D> {}
+/// A [Neighborhood] with at most one result.
+struct SingletonNeighborhood<K, V, D> {
+ /// The search target.
+ target: K,
+ /// The current threshold distance.
+ threshold: Option<D>,
+ /// The current nearest neighbor, if any.
+ candidate: Option<Candidate<V, D>>,
+impl<K, V, D> SingletonNeighborhood<K, V, D> {
+ /// Create a new singleton neighborhood.
+ ///
+ /// * `target`: The search target.
+ /// * `threshold`: The maximum allowable distance.
+ fn new(target: K, threshold: Option<D>) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ target,
+ threshold,
+ candidate: None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Convert this result into an optional neighbor.
+ fn into_option(self) -> Option<Neighbor<V, D>> {
+|c| c.0)
+ }
+impl<K, V> Neighborhood<K, V> for SingletonNeighborhood<K, V, K::Distance>
+ K: Copy + Proximity<V>,
+ fn target(&self) -> K {
+ }
+ fn contains<D>(&self, distance: D) -> bool
+ where
+ D: PartialOrd<K::Distance>,
+ {
+ self.threshold.map_or(true, |t| distance <= t)
+ }
+ fn consider(&mut self, item: V) -> K::Distance {
+ let candidate = Candidate::new(, item);
+ let distance = candidate.0.distance;
+ if self.contains(distance) {
+ self.threshold = Some(distance);
+ self.candidate = Some(candidate);
+ }
+ distance
+ }
+/// A [Neighborhood] of up to `k` results, using a binary heap.
+struct HeapNeighborhood<K, V, D> {
+ /// The target of the nearest neighbor search.
+ target: K,
+ /// The number of nearest neighbors to find.
+ k: usize,
+ /// The current threshold distance to the farthest result.
+ threshold: Option<D>,
+ /// A max-heap of the best candidates found so far.
+ heap: BinaryHeap<Candidate<V, D>>,
+impl<K, V, D: PartialOrd> HeapNeighborhood<K, V, D> {
+ /// Create a new singleton neighborhood.
+ ///
+ /// * `target`: The search target.
+ /// * `k`: The number of nearest neighbors to find.
+ /// * `threshold`: The maximum allowable distance.
+ fn new(target: K, k: usize, threshold: Option<D>) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ target,
+ k,
+ threshold,
+ heap: BinaryHeap::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Convert this result into an optional neighbor.
+ fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<Neighbor<V, D>> {
+ self.heap
+ .into_sorted_vec()
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|c| c.0)
+ .collect()
+ }
+impl<K, V> Neighborhood<K, V> for HeapNeighborhood<K, V, K::Distance>
+ K: Copy + Proximity<V>,
+ fn target(&self) -> K {
+ }
+ fn contains<D>(&self, distance: D) -> bool
+ where
+ D: PartialOrd<K::Distance>,
+ {
+ self.k > 0 && self.threshold.map_or(true, |t| distance <= t)
+ }
+ fn consider(&mut self, item: V) -> K::Distance {
+ let candidate = Candidate::new(, item);
+ let distance = candidate.0.distance;
+ if self.contains(distance) {
+ let heap = &mut self.heap;
+ if heap.len() == self.k {
+ heap.pop();
+ }
+ heap.push(candidate);
+ if heap.len() == self.k {
+ self.threshold = heap.peek().map(|c| c.0.distance)
+ }
+ }
+ distance
+ }
+/// A [nearest neighbor search] index.
+/// Type parameters:
+/// * `K`: The type of the search target (the "key" type)
+/// * `V`: The type of the returned neighbors (the "value" type)
+/// In general, exact nearest neighbor searches may be prohibitively expensive due to the [curse of
+/// dimensionality]. Therefore, NearestNeighbor implementations are allowed to give approximate
+/// results. The marker trait [ExactNeighbors] denotes implementations which are guaranteed to give
+/// exact results.
+/// [nearest neighbor search]:
+/// [curse of dimensionality]:
+pub trait NearestNeighbors<K: Proximity<V>, V = K> {
+ /// Returns the nearest neighbor to `target` (or `None` if this index is empty).
+ fn nearest(&self, target: &K) -> Option<Neighbor<&V, K::Distance>> {
+, None))
+ .into_option()
+ }
+ /// Returns the nearest neighbor to `target` within the distance `threshold`, if one exists.
+ fn nearest_within<D>(&self, target: &K, threshold: D) -> Option<Neighbor<&V, K::Distance>>
+ where
+ D: TryInto<K::Distance>,
+ {
+ if let Ok(distance) = threshold.try_into() {
+, Some(distance)))
+ .into_option()
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the up to `k` nearest neighbors to `target`.
+ fn k_nearest(&self, target: &K, k: usize) -> Vec<Neighbor<&V, K::Distance>> {
+, k, None))
+ .into_vec()
+ }
+ /// Returns the up to `k` nearest neighbors to `target` within the distance `threshold`.
+ fn k_nearest_within<D>(&self, target: &K, k: usize, threshold: D) -> Vec<Neighbor<&V, K::Distance>>
+ where
+ D: TryInto<K::Distance>,
+ {
+ if let Ok(distance) = threshold.try_into() {
+, k, Some(distance)))
+ .into_vec()
+ } else {
+ Vec::new()
+ }
+ }
+ /// Search for nearest neighbors and add them to a neighborhood.
+ fn search<'k, 'v, N>(&'v self, neighborhood: N) -> N
+ where
+ K: 'k,
+ V: 'v,
+ N: Neighborhood<&'k K, &'v V>;
+/// Marker trait for [NearestNeighbors] implementations that always return exact results.
+pub trait ExactNeighbors<K: Proximity<V>, V = K>: NearestNeighbors<K, V> {}
+pub mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ type Point = Euclidean<[f32; 3]>;
+ /// Test a [NearestNeighbors] implementation.
+ pub fn test_nearest_neighbors<T, F>(from_iter: F)
+ where
+ T: NearestNeighbors<Point>,
+ F: Fn(Vec<Point>) -> T,
+ {
+ test_empty(&from_iter);
+ test_pythagorean(&from_iter);
+ }
+ fn test_empty<T, F>(from_iter: &F)
+ where
+ T: NearestNeighbors<Point>,
+ F: Fn(Vec<Point>) -> T,
+ {
+ let points = Vec::new();
+ let index = from_iter(points);
+ let target = Euclidean([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]);
+ assert_eq!(index.nearest(&target), None);
+ assert_eq!(index.nearest_within(&target, 1.0), None);
+ assert!(index.k_nearest(&target, 0).is_empty());
+ assert!(index.k_nearest(&target, 3).is_empty());
+ assert!(index.k_nearest_within(&target, 0, 1.0).is_empty());
+ assert!(index.k_nearest_within(&target, 3, 1.0).is_empty());
+ }
+ fn test_pythagorean<T, F>(from_iter: &F)
+ where
+ T: NearestNeighbors<Point>,
+ F: Fn(Vec<Point>) -> T,
+ {
+ let points = vec![
+ Euclidean([3.0, 4.0, 0.0]),
+ Euclidean([5.0, 0.0, 12.0]),
+ Euclidean([0.0, 8.0, 15.0]),
+ Euclidean([1.0, 2.0, 2.0]),
+ Euclidean([2.0, 3.0, 6.0]),
+ Euclidean([4.0, 4.0, 7.0]),
+ ];
+ let index = from_iter(points);
+ let target = Euclidean([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]);
+ assert_eq!(
+ index.nearest(&target).expect("No nearest neighbor found"),
+ Neighbor::new(&Euclidean([1.0, 2.0, 2.0]), 3.0)
+ );
+ assert_eq!(index.nearest_within(&target, 2.0), None);
+ assert_eq!(
+ index.nearest_within(&target, 4.0).expect("No nearest neighbor found within 4.0"),
+ Neighbor::new(&Euclidean([1.0, 2.0, 2.0]), 3.0)
+ );
+ assert!(index.k_nearest(&target, 0).is_empty());
+ assert_eq!(
+ index.k_nearest(&target, 3),
+ vec![
+ Neighbor::new(&Euclidean([1.0, 2.0, 2.0]), 3.0),
+ Neighbor::new(&Euclidean([3.0, 4.0, 0.0]), 5.0),
+ Neighbor::new(&Euclidean([2.0, 3.0, 6.0]), 7.0),
+ ]
+ );
+ assert!(index.k_nearest(&target, 0).is_empty());
+ assert_eq!(
+ index.k_nearest_within(&target, 3, 6.0),
+ vec![
+ Neighbor::new(&Euclidean([1.0, 2.0, 2.0]), 3.0),
+ Neighbor::new(&Euclidean([3.0, 4.0, 0.0]), 5.0),
+ ]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ index.k_nearest_within(&target, 3, 8.0),
+ vec![
+ Neighbor::new(&Euclidean([1.0, 2.0, 2.0]), 3.0),
+ Neighbor::new(&Euclidean([3.0, 4.0, 0.0]), 5.0),
+ Neighbor::new(&Euclidean([2.0, 3.0, 6.0]), 7.0),
+ ]
+ );
+ }