//! Frontier that targets an image. use super::{Frontier, Pixel, Target}; use crate::color::{ColorSpace, Rgb8}; use crate::soft::SoftKdTree; use acap::knn::NearestNeighbors; use image::RgbImage; /// A [Frontier] that places colors on the closest pixel of a target image. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ImageFrontier { nodes: SoftKdTree>, width: u32, height: u32, len: usize, deleted: usize, } impl ImageFrontier where C::Value: PartialOrd, { /// Create an ImageFrontier from an image. pub fn new(img: &RgbImage) -> Self { let width = img.width(); let height = img.height(); let len = (width as usize) * (height as usize); Self { nodes: img .enumerate_pixels() .map(|(x, y, p)| Pixel::new(x, y, C::from(*p))) .collect(), width, height, len, deleted: 0, } } } impl Frontier for ImageFrontier where C::Value: PartialOrd, { fn width(&self) -> u32 { self.width } fn height(&self) -> u32 { self.height } fn len(&self) -> usize { self.len - self.deleted } fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.len() == 0 } fn place(&mut self, rgb8: Rgb8) -> Option<(u32, u32)> { let color = C::from(rgb8); if let Some(node) = self.nodes.nearest(&Target(color)).map(|n| n.item) { let pos = node.pos; node.delete(); self.deleted += 1; if 32 * self.deleted >= self.len { self.nodes.rebuild(); self.len -= self.deleted; self.deleted = 0; } Some(pos) } else { None } } }