/********************************************************************* * kd-forest * * Copyright (C) 2014 Tavian Barnes * * * * This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to * * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it * * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want * * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See * * the COPYING file or http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. * *********************************************************************/ #include "color.h" #include void color_unpack(uint8_t pixel[3], uint32_t color) { pixel[0] = (color >> 16) & 0xFF; pixel[1] = (color >> 8) & 0xFF; pixel[2] = color & 0xFF; } void color_set_RGB(double coords[3], uint32_t color) { uint8_t pixel[3]; color_unpack(pixel, color); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { coords[i] = pixel[i]/255.0; } } // Inverse gamma for sRGB double sRGB_C_inv(double t) { if (t <= 0.040449936) { return t/12.92; } else { return pow((t + 0.055)/1.055, 2.4); } } static void color_set_XYZ(double XYZ[3], uint32_t color) { double RGB[3]; color_set_RGB(RGB, color); RGB[0] = sRGB_C_inv(RGB[0]); RGB[1] = sRGB_C_inv(RGB[1]); RGB[2] = sRGB_C_inv(RGB[2]); XYZ[0] = 0.4123808838268995*RGB[0] + 0.3575728355732478*RGB[1] + 0.1804522977447919*RGB[2]; XYZ[1] = 0.2126198631048975*RGB[0] + 0.7151387878413206*RGB[1] + 0.0721499433963131*RGB[2]; XYZ[2] = 0.0193434956789248*RGB[0] + 0.1192121694056356*RGB[1] + 0.9505065664127130*RGB[2]; } // CIE L*a*b* and L*u*v* gamma static double Lab_f(double t) { if (t > 216.0/24389.0) { return pow(t, 1.0/3.0); } else { return 841.0*t/108.0 + 4.0/29.0; } } // sRGB white point (CIE D50) in XYZ coordinates static const double WHITE[] = { [0] = 0.9504060171449392, [1] = 0.9999085943425312, [2] = 1.089062231497274, }; void color_set_Lab(double coords[3], uint32_t color) { double XYZ[3]; color_set_XYZ(XYZ, color); double fXYZ[] = { [0] = Lab_f(XYZ[0]/WHITE[0]), [1] = Lab_f(XYZ[1]/WHITE[1]), [2] = Lab_f(XYZ[2]/WHITE[2]), }; coords[0] = 116.0*fXYZ[1] - 16.0; coords[1] = 500.0*(fXYZ[0] - fXYZ[1]); coords[2] = 200.0*(fXYZ[1] - fXYZ[2]); } void color_set_Luv(double coords[3], uint32_t color) { double XYZ[3]; color_set_XYZ(XYZ, color); double uv_denom = XYZ[0] + 15.0*XYZ[1] + 3.0*XYZ[2]; if (uv_denom == 0.0) { coords[0] = 0.0; coords[1] = 0.0; coords[2] = 0.0; return; } double white_uv_denom = WHITE[0] + 16.0*WHITE[1] + 3.0*WHITE[2]; double fY = Lab_f(XYZ[1]/WHITE[1]); double uprime = 4.0*XYZ[0]/uv_denom; double unprime = 4.0*WHITE[0]/white_uv_denom; double vprime = 9.0*XYZ[1]/uv_denom; double vnprime = 9.0*WHITE[1]/white_uv_denom; coords[0] = 116.0*fY - 16.0; coords[1] = 13.0*coords[0]*(uprime - unprime); coords[2] = 13.0*coords[0]*(vprime - vnprime); } int color_comparator(const void *a, const void *b) { double aRGB[3], bRGB[3]; color_set_RGB(aRGB, *(uint32_t *)a); color_set_RGB(bRGB, *(uint32_t *)b); double anum = aRGB[1] - aRGB[2], adenom = 2*aRGB[0] - aRGB[1] - aRGB[2]; double bnum = bRGB[1] - bRGB[2], bdenom = 2*bRGB[0] - bRGB[1] - bRGB[2]; // The hue angle is defined as atan2(sqrt(3)*n/d) (+ 2*pi if negative). But // since atan2() is expensive, we compute an equivalent ordering while // avoiding trig calls. First, handle the quadrants. We have: // // hue(n, d) // | d >= 0 && n == 0 = 0 // | d >= 0 && n > 0 = atan(n/d) // | d >= 0 && n < 0 = atan(n/d) + 2*pi // | d < 0 = atan(n/d) + pi // // and since atan(n/d)'s range is [-pi/2, pi/2], each chunk can be strictly // ordered relative to the other chunks. if (adenom >= 0.0) { if (anum >= 0.0) { if (bdenom < 0.0 || bnum < 0.0) { return -1; } } else { if (bdenom < 0.0 || bnum >= 0.0) { return 1; } } } else if (bdenom >= 0.0) { if (bnum >= 0.0) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } // Special-case zero numerators, because we treat 0/0 as 0, not NaN if (anum == 0.0 || bnum == 0.0) { double lhs = anum*copysign(1.0, adenom); double rhs = bnum*copysign(1.0, bdenom); return (lhs > rhs) - (lhs < rhs); } // The points are in the same/comparable quadrants. We can still avoid // calculating atan(n/d) though, because it's an increasing function in n/d. // We can also avoid a division, by noting that an/ad < bn/bd iff // an*bd*sgn(ad*bd) < bn*ad*sgn(ad*bd). Due to the logic above, both // denominators must have the same sign, so the sgn()s are redundant. double lhs = anum*bdenom; double rhs = bnum*adenom; return (lhs > rhs) - (lhs < rhs); }