k-d forests =========== An implementation of [k-d forests](https://tavianator.com/2020/porting_kd_forests.html). This code generates images containing every possible color, in the style of [this Code Golf answer](http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/22326) by József Fejes. Colors are placed on the image one by one, next to the closest pixel already filled in. Images ------ The full 24-bit, 4096×4096 image is generated by default, which takes a while: $ cargo run --release Generating a 4096x4096 image (16777216 pixels) 100.00% | 159 kpx/s | max frontier size: 267592 To try it out quickly, generate an image with reduced bit depth: $ cargo run --release -- -b19 Generating a 1024x512 image (524288 pixels) 100.00% | 285 kpx/s | max frontier size: 18719 There are many flags that control the order colors are placed, and how the location for each color is selected. Pass `--help` to see the available options. Video ----- To make a video of the generation process, pass the `-a`/`--animate` flag, and pipe the output into `ffmpeg`. For example: $ cargo run --release -- -b23 -w3840 -h2160 -a | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -r 60 -i - -c:v libx265 -x265-params lossless=1 kd-forest.mkv