/************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Tavian Barnes * * * * This file is part of The Dimension Library. * * * * The Dimension Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/ * * or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * The Dimension Library is distributed in the hope that it will be * * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this program. If not, see * * . * *************************************************************************/ /** * @file * The ray-tracing algorithm. */ #include "dimension-impl.h" #include /* * Boilerplate for multithreading */ /** Payload type for passing arguments to worker threads. */ typedef struct { dmnsn_progress *progress; dmnsn_scene *scene; dmnsn_prtree *prtree; } dmnsn_raytrace_payload; /* Raytrace a scene */ void dmnsn_raytrace_scene(dmnsn_scene *scene) { dmnsn_progress *progress = dmnsn_raytrace_scene_async(scene); if (dmnsn_finish_progress(progress) != 0) { dmnsn_error("Error occured while raytracing."); } } /** Background thread callback. */ static int dmnsn_raytrace_scene_thread(void *ptr); /* Raytrace a scene in the background */ dmnsn_progress * dmnsn_raytrace_scene_async(dmnsn_scene *scene) { dmnsn_progress *progress = dmnsn_new_progress(); dmnsn_raytrace_payload *payload = dmnsn_malloc(sizeof(dmnsn_raytrace_payload)); payload->progress = progress; payload->scene = scene; dmnsn_new_thread(progress, dmnsn_raytrace_scene_thread, payload); return progress; } /** Worker thread callback. */ static int dmnsn_raytrace_scene_concurrent(void *ptr, unsigned int thread, unsigned int nthreads); /* Thread callback -- set up the multithreaded engine */ static int dmnsn_raytrace_scene_thread(void *ptr) { dmnsn_raytrace_payload *payload = ptr; /* Pre-calculate bounding box transformations, etc. */ dmnsn_initialize_scene(payload->scene); /* Time the bounding tree construction */ dmnsn_start_timer(&payload->scene->bounding_timer); payload->prtree = dmnsn_new_prtree(payload->scene->objects); dmnsn_stop_timer(&payload->scene->bounding_timer); /* Set up the progress object */ dmnsn_set_progress_total(payload->progress, payload->scene->canvas->height); /* Time the render itself */ dmnsn_start_timer(&payload->scene->render_timer); int ret = dmnsn_execute_concurrently(dmnsn_raytrace_scene_concurrent, payload, payload->scene->nthreads); dmnsn_stop_timer(&payload->scene->render_timer); dmnsn_delete_prtree(payload->prtree); dmnsn_free(payload); return ret; } /* * Raytracing algorithm */ /** The current state of the ray-tracing engine. */ typedef struct dmnsn_raytrace_state { const struct dmnsn_raytrace_state *parent; const dmnsn_scene *scene; const dmnsn_intersection *intersection; const dmnsn_texture *texture; const dmnsn_interior *interior; const dmnsn_prtree *prtree; unsigned int reclevel; dmnsn_vector r; dmnsn_vector pigment_r; dmnsn_vector viewer; dmnsn_vector reflected; dmnsn_vector light; dmnsn_color pigment; dmnsn_color diffuse; dmnsn_color additional; double ior; dmnsn_color adc_value; } dmnsn_raytrace_state; /** Compute a raytrace state from an intersection. */ static inline void dmnsn_initialize_raytrace_state(dmnsn_raytrace_state *state, const dmnsn_intersection *intersection) { state->intersection = intersection; state->texture = intersection->object->texture; state->interior = intersection->object->interior; state->r = dmnsn_line_point(intersection->ray, intersection->t); state->pigment_r = dmnsn_transform_vector( intersection->object->pigment_trans, state->r ); state->viewer = dmnsn_vector_normalized( dmnsn_vector_negate(intersection->ray.n) ); state->reflected = dmnsn_vector_sub( dmnsn_vector_mul( 2*dmnsn_vector_dot(state->viewer, intersection->normal), intersection->normal), state->viewer ); state->pigment = dmnsn_black; state->diffuse = dmnsn_black; state->additional = dmnsn_black; } /** Main helper for dmnsn_raytrace_scene_impl - shoot a ray. */ static dmnsn_color dmnsn_raytrace_shoot(dmnsn_raytrace_state *state, dmnsn_line ray); /* Actually raytrace a scene */ static int dmnsn_raytrace_scene_concurrent(void *ptr, unsigned int thread, unsigned int nthreads) { const dmnsn_raytrace_payload *payload = ptr; dmnsn_progress *progress = payload->progress; dmnsn_scene *scene = payload->scene; dmnsn_prtree *prtree = payload->prtree; dmnsn_raytrace_state state = { .parent = NULL, .scene = scene, .prtree = prtree, }; /* Iterate through each pixel */ for (size_t y = thread; y < scene->canvas->height; y += nthreads) { for (size_t x = 0; x < scene->canvas->width; ++x) { /* Get the ray corresponding to the (x,y)'th pixel */ dmnsn_line ray = dmnsn_camera_ray( scene->camera, ((double)(x + scene->region_x))/(scene->outer_width - 1), ((double)(y + scene->region_y))/(scene->outer_height - 1) ); /* Shoot a ray */ state.reclevel = scene->reclimit; state.ior = 1.0; state.adc_value = dmnsn_white; dmnsn_color color = dmnsn_raytrace_shoot(&state, ray); dmnsn_set_pixel(scene->canvas, x, y, color); } dmnsn_increment_progress(progress); } return 0; } /** Calculate the background color. */ static dmnsn_color dmnsn_raytrace_background(const dmnsn_raytrace_state *state, dmnsn_line ray) { dmnsn_pigment *background = state->scene->background; if (state->scene->quality & DMNSN_RENDER_PIGMENT) { return dmnsn_evaluate_pigment(background, dmnsn_vector_normalized(ray.n)); } else { return background->quick_color; } } /** Calculate the base pigment at the intersection. */ static void dmnsn_raytrace_pigment(dmnsn_raytrace_state *state) { dmnsn_pigment *pigment = state->texture->pigment; if (state->scene->quality & DMNSN_RENDER_PIGMENT) { state->pigment = dmnsn_evaluate_pigment(pigment, state->pigment_r); } else { state->pigment = pigment->quick_color; } state->diffuse = state->pigment; } /** Get the color of a light ray at an intersection point. */ static dmnsn_color dmnsn_raytrace_light_ray(dmnsn_raytrace_state *state, const dmnsn_light *light) { /** @todo: Start at the light source */ dmnsn_line shadow_ray = dmnsn_new_line( state->r, light->direction_fn(light, state->r) ); state->light = dmnsn_vector_normalized(shadow_ray.n); /* Add epsilon to avoid hitting ourselves with the shadow ray */ shadow_ray = dmnsn_line_add_epsilon(shadow_ray); /* Check if we're casting a shadow on ourself */ if (dmnsn_vector_dot(shadow_ray.n, state->intersection->normal) * dmnsn_vector_dot(state->viewer, state->intersection->normal) < 0.0) return dmnsn_black; dmnsn_color color = light->illumination_fn(light, state->r); /* Test for shadow ray intersections */ unsigned int reclevel = state->reclevel; while (reclevel-- > 0 && dmnsn_color_intensity(color) >= state->scene->adc_bailout) { dmnsn_intersection shadow_caster; bool shadow_was_cast = dmnsn_prtree_intersection(state->prtree, shadow_ray, &shadow_caster, false); if (!shadow_was_cast || !light->shadow_fn(light, shadow_caster.t)) { return color; } /* Handle transparency */ if (state->scene->quality & DMNSN_RENDER_TRANSPARENCY) { dmnsn_raytrace_state shadow_state = *state; dmnsn_initialize_raytrace_state(&shadow_state, &shadow_caster); dmnsn_raytrace_pigment(&shadow_state); if (shadow_state.pigment.trans >= dmnsn_epsilon) { /* Reflect the light */ const dmnsn_reflection *reflection = shadow_state.texture->finish.reflection; if ((state->scene->quality & DMNSN_RENDER_REFLECTION) && reflection) { dmnsn_color reflected = reflection->reflection_fn( reflection, color, shadow_state.pigment, shadow_state.reflected, shadow_state.intersection->normal ); color = dmnsn_color_sub(color, reflected); } /* Filter the light */ color = dmnsn_filter_light(color, shadow_state.pigment); shadow_ray.x0 = dmnsn_line_point(shadow_ray, shadow_caster.t); shadow_ray.n = light->direction_fn(light, shadow_ray.x0); shadow_ray = dmnsn_line_add_epsilon(shadow_ray); continue; } } break; } return dmnsn_black; } /** Handle light, shadow, and shading. */ static void dmnsn_raytrace_lighting(dmnsn_raytrace_state *state) { /* The ambient color */ state->diffuse = dmnsn_black; const dmnsn_finish *finish = &state->texture->finish; if (finish->ambient) { state->diffuse = finish->ambient->ambient_fn(finish->ambient, state->pigment); } /* Iterate over each light */ DMNSN_ARRAY_FOREACH (dmnsn_light **, light, state->scene->lights) { dmnsn_color light_color = dmnsn_raytrace_light_ray(state, *light); if (!dmnsn_color_is_black(light_color)) { if (state->scene->quality & DMNSN_RENDER_FINISH) { /* Reflect the light */ const dmnsn_reflection *reflection = state->texture->finish.reflection; if ((state->scene->quality & DMNSN_RENDER_REFLECTION) && reflection) { dmnsn_color reflected = reflection->reflection_fn( reflection, light_color, state->pigment, state->reflected, state->intersection->normal ); light_color = dmnsn_color_sub(light_color, reflected); } /* Get this light's color contribution to the object */ dmnsn_color diffuse = dmnsn_black; if (finish->diffuse) { diffuse = finish->diffuse->diffuse_fn( finish->diffuse, light_color, state->pigment, state->light, state->intersection->normal ); } dmnsn_color specular = dmnsn_black; if (finish->specular) { specular = finish->specular->specular_fn( finish->specular, light_color, state->pigment, state->light, state->intersection->normal, state->viewer ); } state->diffuse = dmnsn_color_add(diffuse, state->diffuse); state->additional = dmnsn_color_add(specular, state->additional); } else { state->diffuse = state->pigment; state->diffuse.trans = 0.0; state->diffuse.filter = 0.0; } } } } /** Trace a reflected ray. */ static dmnsn_color dmnsn_raytrace_reflection(const dmnsn_raytrace_state *state) { dmnsn_color reflected = dmnsn_black; const dmnsn_reflection *reflection = state->texture->finish.reflection; if (reflection) { dmnsn_line refl_ray = dmnsn_new_line(state->r, state->reflected); refl_ray = dmnsn_line_add_epsilon(refl_ray); dmnsn_raytrace_state recursive_state = *state; /* Calculate ADC value */ recursive_state.adc_value = reflection->reflection_fn( reflection, state->adc_value, state->pigment, state->reflected, state->intersection->normal ); /* Shoot the reflected ray */ dmnsn_color rec = dmnsn_raytrace_shoot(&recursive_state, refl_ray); reflected = reflection->reflection_fn( reflection, rec, state->pigment, state->reflected, state->intersection->normal ); reflected.trans = 0.0; reflected.filter = 0.0; } return reflected; } /** Handle transparency - must be called last to work correctly. */ static void dmnsn_raytrace_transparency(dmnsn_raytrace_state *state) { if (state->pigment.trans >= dmnsn_epsilon) { dmnsn_line trans_ray = dmnsn_new_line(state->r, state->intersection->ray.n); trans_ray = dmnsn_line_add_epsilon(trans_ray); dmnsn_vector r = dmnsn_vector_normalized(trans_ray.n); dmnsn_vector n = state->intersection->normal; dmnsn_raytrace_state recursive_state = *state; /* Calculate new refractive index */ if (dmnsn_vector_dot(r, n) < 0.0) { /* We are entering an object */ recursive_state.ior = state->interior->ior; recursive_state.parent = state; } else { /* We are leaving an object */ recursive_state.ior = state->parent ? state->parent->ior : 1.0; recursive_state.parent = state->parent ? state->parent->parent : NULL; } /* Calculate transmitted ray direction */ double iorr = state->ior/recursive_state.ior; /* ior ratio */ double c1 = -dmnsn_vector_dot(r, n); double c2 = 1.0 - iorr*iorr*(1.0 - c1*c1); if (c2 <= 0.0) { /* Total internal reflection */ return; } c2 = sqrt(c2); if (c1 >= 0.0) { trans_ray.n = dmnsn_vector_add( dmnsn_vector_mul(iorr, r), dmnsn_vector_mul(iorr*c1 - c2, n) ); } else { trans_ray.n = dmnsn_vector_add( dmnsn_vector_mul(iorr, r), dmnsn_vector_mul(iorr*c1 + c2, n) ); } /* Calculate ADC value */ recursive_state.adc_value = dmnsn_filter_light(state->adc_value, state->pigment); /* Shoot the transmitted ray */ dmnsn_color rec = dmnsn_raytrace_shoot(&recursive_state, trans_ray); dmnsn_color filtered = dmnsn_filter_light(rec, state->pigment); /* Conserve energy */ const dmnsn_reflection *reflection = state->texture->finish.reflection; if ((state->scene->quality & DMNSN_RENDER_REFLECTION) && reflection) { dmnsn_color reflected = reflection->reflection_fn( reflection, filtered, state->pigment, state->reflected, state->intersection->normal ); filtered = dmnsn_color_sub(filtered, reflected); } state->diffuse.filter = state->pigment.filter; state->diffuse.trans = state->pigment.trans; state->diffuse = dmnsn_apply_transparency(filtered, state->diffuse); } } /* Shoot a ray, and calculate the color */ static dmnsn_color dmnsn_raytrace_shoot(dmnsn_raytrace_state *state, dmnsn_line ray) { if (state->reclevel == 0 || dmnsn_color_intensity(state->adc_value) < state->scene->adc_bailout) { return dmnsn_black; } --state->reclevel; /* Calculate the background color */ dmnsn_color color = dmnsn_raytrace_background(state, ray); dmnsn_intersection intersection; bool reset = state->reclevel == state->scene->reclimit - 1; if (dmnsn_prtree_intersection(state->prtree, ray, &intersection, reset)) { dmnsn_initialize_raytrace_state(state, &intersection); /* Pigment */ dmnsn_raytrace_pigment(state); /* Finishes and shadows */ if (state->scene->quality & DMNSN_RENDER_LIGHTS) { dmnsn_raytrace_lighting(state); } /* Reflection */ if (state->scene->quality & DMNSN_RENDER_REFLECTION) { state->additional = dmnsn_color_add( dmnsn_raytrace_reflection(state), state->additional ); } /* Transparency */ if (state->scene->quality & DMNSN_RENDER_TRANSPARENCY) { dmnsn_raytrace_transparency(state); } color = dmnsn_color_add(state->diffuse, state->additional); } return color; }