/************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2009 Tavian Barnes * * * * This file is part of Dimension. * * * * Dimension is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at * * your option) any later version. * * * * Dimension is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * *************************************************************************/ #include "realize.h" #include "parse.h" #include "utility.h" #include static double dmnsn_realize_float(dmnsn_astnode astnode) { switch (astnode.type) { case DMNSN_AST_FLOAT: return *(double *)astnode.ptr; case DMNSN_AST_INTEGER: return *(long *)astnode.ptr; default: dmnsn_error(DMNSN_SEVERITY_HIGH, "Invalid float."); return 0; /* Silence compiler warning */ } } static dmnsn_vector dmnsn_realize_vector(dmnsn_astnode astnode) { if (astnode.type != DMNSN_AST_VECTOR) { dmnsn_error(DMNSN_SEVERITY_HIGH, "Expected a vector."); } dmnsn_astnode xnode, ynode, znode; dmnsn_array_get(astnode.children, 0, &xnode); dmnsn_array_get(astnode.children, 1, &ynode); dmnsn_array_get(astnode.children, 2, &znode); double x = dmnsn_realize_float(xnode), y = dmnsn_realize_float(ynode), z = dmnsn_realize_float(znode); return dmnsn_new_vector(x, y, z); } static dmnsn_object * dmnsn_realize_rotation(dmnsn_astnode astnode, dmnsn_object *object) { const double deg2rad = atan(1.0)/45.0; dmnsn_astnode angle_node; dmnsn_array_get(astnode.children, 0, &angle_node); dmnsn_vector angle = dmnsn_vector_mul( deg2rad, dmnsn_realize_vector(angle_node) ); /* Rotations in POV-Ray are done about the X-axis first, then Y, then Z */ object->trans = dmnsn_matrix_mul( dmnsn_rotation_matrix(dmnsn_new_vector(angle.x, 0.0, 0.0)), object->trans ); object->trans = dmnsn_matrix_mul( dmnsn_rotation_matrix(dmnsn_new_vector(0.0, angle.y, 0.0)), object->trans ); object->trans = dmnsn_matrix_mul( dmnsn_rotation_matrix(dmnsn_new_vector(0.0, 0.0, angle.z)), object->trans ); return object; } static dmnsn_object * dmnsn_realize_object_modifiers(dmnsn_astnode astnode, dmnsn_object *object) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < dmnsn_array_size(astnode.children); ++i) { dmnsn_astnode modifier; dmnsn_array_get(astnode.children, i, &modifier); switch (modifier.type) { case DMNSN_AST_ROTATION: object = dmnsn_realize_rotation(modifier, object); break; default: dmnsn_error(DMNSN_SEVERITY_HIGH, "Invalid object modifier."); } } return object; } static dmnsn_object * dmnsn_realize_box(dmnsn_astnode astnode) { if (astnode.type != DMNSN_AST_BOX) { dmnsn_error(DMNSN_SEVERITY_HIGH, "Expected a box."); } dmnsn_astnode corner1, corner2; dmnsn_array_get(astnode.children, 0, &corner1); dmnsn_array_get(astnode.children, 1, &corner2); dmnsn_vector x1 = dmnsn_realize_vector(corner1), x2 = dmnsn_realize_vector(corner2); dmnsn_object *box = dmnsn_new_cube(); if (!box) { dmnsn_error(DMNSN_SEVERITY_HIGH, "Couldn't allocate box."); } box->trans = dmnsn_scale_matrix( dmnsn_new_vector(fabs(x2.x - x1.x)/2.0, fabs(x2.y - x1.y)/2.0, fabs(x2.z - x1.z)/2.0) ); box->trans = dmnsn_matrix_mul( dmnsn_translation_matrix(dmnsn_new_vector((x2.x + x1.x)/2.0, (x2.y + x1.y)/2.0, (x2.z + x1.z)/2.0)), box->trans ); dmnsn_astnode modifiers; dmnsn_array_get(astnode.children, 2, &modifiers); box = dmnsn_realize_object_modifiers(modifiers, box); return box; } static dmnsn_object * dmnsn_realize_sphere(dmnsn_astnode astnode) { if (astnode.type != DMNSN_AST_SPHERE) { dmnsn_error(DMNSN_SEVERITY_HIGH, "Expected a sphere."); } dmnsn_astnode center, radius; dmnsn_array_get(astnode.children, 0, ¢er); dmnsn_array_get(astnode.children, 1, &radius); dmnsn_vector x0 = dmnsn_realize_vector(center); double r = dmnsn_realize_float(radius); dmnsn_object *sphere = dmnsn_new_sphere(); if (!sphere) { dmnsn_error(DMNSN_SEVERITY_HIGH, "Couldn't allocate sphere."); } sphere->texture = dmnsn_new_texture(); if (!sphere->texture) { dmnsn_delete_object(sphere); dmnsn_error(DMNSN_SEVERITY_HIGH, "Couldn't allocate sphere texture."); } sphere->texture->pigment = dmnsn_new_solid_pigment(dmnsn_white); if (!sphere->texture->pigment) { dmnsn_delete_object(sphere); dmnsn_error(DMNSN_SEVERITY_HIGH, "Couldn't allocate sphere pigment."); } sphere->trans = dmnsn_scale_matrix(dmnsn_new_vector(r, r, r)); sphere->trans = dmnsn_matrix_mul(dmnsn_translation_matrix(x0), sphere->trans); dmnsn_astnode modifiers; dmnsn_array_get(astnode.children, 2, &modifiers); sphere = dmnsn_realize_object_modifiers(modifiers, sphere); return sphere; } dmnsn_scene * dmnsn_realize(const dmnsn_array *astree) { dmnsn_scene *scene = dmnsn_new_scene(); if (!scene) { return NULL; } /* Background color */ dmnsn_sRGB background_sRGB = { .R = 0.0, .G = 0.0, .B = 0.1 }; scene->background = dmnsn_color_from_sRGB(background_sRGB); scene->background.filter = 0.1; /* Allocate a canvas */ scene->canvas = dmnsn_new_canvas(768, 480); if (!scene->canvas) { dmnsn_delete_scene(scene); return NULL; } /* Set up the transformation matrix for the perspective camera */ dmnsn_matrix trans = dmnsn_scale_matrix( dmnsn_new_vector( ((double)scene->canvas->x)/scene->canvas->y, 1.0, 1.0 ) ); trans = dmnsn_matrix_mul( dmnsn_translation_matrix(dmnsn_new_vector(0.0, 0.0, -4.0)), trans ); trans = dmnsn_matrix_mul( dmnsn_rotation_matrix(dmnsn_new_vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)), trans ); /* Create a perspective camera */ scene->camera = dmnsn_new_perspective_camera(); if (!scene->camera) { dmnsn_delete_scene(scene); return NULL; } dmnsn_set_perspective_camera_trans(scene->camera, trans); /* * Now parse the abstract syntax tree */ dmnsn_astnode astnode; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < dmnsn_array_size(astree); ++i) { dmnsn_array_get(astree, i, &astnode); dmnsn_object *object; switch (astnode.type) { case DMNSN_AST_BOX: object = dmnsn_realize_box(astnode); dmnsn_array_push(scene->objects, &object); break; case DMNSN_AST_SPHERE: object = dmnsn_realize_sphere(astnode); dmnsn_array_push(scene->objects, &object); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognised syntax element '%s'.\n", dmnsn_astnode_string(astnode.type)); dmnsn_delete_scene(scene); return NULL; } } return scene; }