// Copyright © Tavian Barnes // SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD #include "ioq.h" #include "alloc.h" #include "atomic.h" #include "bfstd.h" #include "bit.h" #include "config.h" #include "diag.h" #include "dir.h" #include "thread.h" #include "sanity.h" #include #include #include #include /** * A monitor for an I/O queue slot. */ struct ioq_monitor { cache_align pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t cond; }; /** Initialize an ioq_monitor. */ static int ioq_monitor_init(struct ioq_monitor *monitor) { if (mutex_init(&monitor->mutex, NULL) != 0) { return -1; } if (cond_init(&monitor->cond, NULL) != 0) { mutex_destroy(&monitor->mutex); return -1; } return 0; } /** Destroy an ioq_monitor. */ static void ioq_monitor_destroy(struct ioq_monitor *monitor) { cond_destroy(&monitor->cond); mutex_destroy(&monitor->mutex); } /** A single entry in a command queue. */ typedef atomic uintptr_t ioq_slot; /** Slot flag bit to indicate waiters. */ #define IOQ_BLOCKED ((uintptr_t)1) bfs_static_assert(alignof(struct ioq_ent) > 1); /** Check if a slot has waiters. */ static bool ioq_slot_blocked(uintptr_t value) { return value & IOQ_BLOCKED; } /** Extract the pointer from a slot. */ static struct ioq_ent *ioq_slot_ptr(uintptr_t value) { return (struct ioq_ent *)(value & ~IOQ_BLOCKED); } /** Check if a slot is empty. */ static bool ioq_slot_empty(uintptr_t value) { return !ioq_slot_ptr(value); } /** * An MPMC queue of I/O commands. */ struct ioqq { /** Circular buffer index mask. */ size_t slot_mask; /** Monitor index mask. */ size_t monitor_mask; /** Array of monitors used by the slots. */ struct ioq_monitor *monitors; /** Index of next writer. */ cache_align atomic size_t head; /** Index of next reader. */ cache_align atomic size_t tail; /** The circular buffer itself. */ cache_align ioq_slot slots[]; }; // If we assign slots sequentially, threads will likely be operating on // consecutive slots. If these slots are in the same cache line, that will // result in false sharing. We can mitigate this by assigning slots with a // stride larger than a cache line e.g. 0, 9, 18, ..., 1, 10, 19, ... // As long as the stride is relatively prime to circular buffer length, we'll // still use every available slot. Since the length is a power of two, that // means the stride must be odd. #define IOQ_STRIDE ((FALSE_SHARING_SIZE / sizeof(ioq_slot)) | 1) bfs_static_assert(IOQ_STRIDE % 2 == 1); /** Destroy an I/O command queue. */ static void ioqq_destroy(struct ioqq *ioqq) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ioqq->monitor_mask + 1; ++i) { ioq_monitor_destroy(&ioqq->monitors[i]); } free(ioqq->monitors); free(ioqq); } /** Create an I/O command queue. */ static struct ioqq *ioqq_create(size_t size) { // Circular buffer size must be a power of two size = bit_ceil(size); struct ioqq *ioqq = ALLOC_FLEX(struct ioqq, slots, size); if (!ioqq) { return NULL; } ioqq->slot_mask = size - 1; ioqq->monitor_mask = -1; // Use a pool of monitors size_t nmonitors = size < 64 ? size : 64; ioqq->monitors = ALLOC_ARRAY(struct ioq_monitor, nmonitors); if (!ioqq->monitors) { ioqq_destroy(ioqq); return NULL; } for (size_t i = 0; i < nmonitors; ++i) { if (ioq_monitor_init(&ioqq->monitors[i]) != 0) { ioqq_destroy(ioqq); return NULL; } ++ioqq->monitor_mask; } atomic_init(&ioqq->head, 0); atomic_init(&ioqq->tail, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { atomic_init(&ioqq->slots[i], 0); } return ioqq; } /** Atomically wait for a slot to change. */ static uintptr_t ioq_slot_wait(struct ioqq *ioqq, ioq_slot *slot, uintptr_t value) { fetch_or(slot, IOQ_BLOCKED, relaxed); value |= IOQ_BLOCKED; size_t i = slot - ioqq->slots; struct ioq_monitor *monitor = &ioqq->monitors[i & ioqq->monitor_mask]; mutex_lock(&monitor->mutex); uintptr_t ret; while ((ret = load(slot, relaxed)) == value) { // To avoid missed wakeups, it is important that // cond_broadcast() is not called right here cond_wait(&monitor->cond, &monitor->mutex); } mutex_unlock(&monitor->mutex); return ret; } /** Wake up any threads waiting on a slot. */ static void ioq_slot_wake(struct ioqq *ioqq, ioq_slot *slot) { size_t i = slot - ioqq->slots; struct ioq_monitor *monitor = &ioqq->monitors[i & ioqq->monitor_mask]; // The following implementation would clearly avoid the missed wakeup // issue mentioned above in ioq_slot_wait(): // // mutex_lock(&monitor->mutex); // cond_broadcast(&monitor->cond); // mutex_unlock(&monitor->mutex); // // As a minor optimization, we move the broadcast outside of the lock. // This optimization is correct, even though it leads to a seemingly- // useless empty critical section. mutex_lock(&monitor->mutex); mutex_unlock(&monitor->mutex); cond_broadcast(&monitor->cond); } /** Get the next slot for writing. */ static ioq_slot *ioqq_write(struct ioqq *ioqq) { size_t i = fetch_add(&ioqq->head, IOQ_STRIDE, relaxed); return &ioqq->slots[i & ioqq->slot_mask]; } /** Push an entry into a slot. */ static void ioq_slot_push(struct ioqq *ioqq, ioq_slot *slot, struct ioq_ent *ent) { uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)ent; bfs_assert(!ioq_slot_blocked(addr)); uintptr_t prev = load(slot, relaxed); do { while (!ioq_slot_empty(prev)) { prev = ioq_slot_wait(ioqq, slot, prev); } } while (!compare_exchange_weak(slot, &prev, addr, release, relaxed)); if (ioq_slot_blocked(prev)) { ioq_slot_wake(ioqq, slot); } } /** Push an entry onto the queue. */ static void ioqq_push(struct ioqq *ioqq, struct ioq_ent *ent) { ioq_slot *slot = ioqq_write(ioqq); ioq_slot_push(ioqq, slot, ent); } /** Get the next slot for reading. */ static ioq_slot *ioqq_read(struct ioqq *ioqq) { size_t i = fetch_add(&ioqq->tail, IOQ_STRIDE, relaxed); return &ioqq->slots[i & ioqq->slot_mask]; } /** (Try to) pop an entry from a slot. */ static struct ioq_ent *ioq_slot_pop(struct ioqq *ioqq, ioq_slot *slot, bool block) { uintptr_t prev = load(slot, relaxed); do { while (ioq_slot_empty(prev)) { if (block) { prev = ioq_slot_wait(ioqq, slot, prev); } else { return NULL; } } } while (!compare_exchange_weak(slot, &prev, 0, acquire, relaxed)); if (ioq_slot_blocked(prev)) { ioq_slot_wake(ioqq, slot); } return ioq_slot_ptr(prev); } /** Pop an entry from the queue. */ static struct ioq_ent *ioqq_pop(struct ioqq *ioqq) { ioq_slot *slot = ioqq_read(ioqq); return ioq_slot_pop(ioqq, slot, true); } /** Pop an entry from the queue if one is available. */ static struct ioq_ent *ioqq_trypop(struct ioqq *ioqq) { size_t i = load(&ioqq->tail, relaxed); ioq_slot *slot = &ioqq->slots[i & ioqq->slot_mask]; struct ioq_ent *ret = ioq_slot_pop(ioqq, slot, false); if (ret) { size_t j = exchange(&ioqq->tail, i + IOQ_STRIDE, relaxed); bfs_assert(j == i, "Detected multiple consumers"); (void)j; } return ret; } /** Sentinel stop command. */ static struct ioq_ent IOQ_STOP; struct ioq { /** The depth of the queue. */ size_t depth; /** The current size of the queue. */ size_t size; /** Cancellation flag. */ atomic bool cancel; /** ioq_ent arena. */ struct arena ents; /** Pending I/O requests. */ struct ioqq *pending; /** Ready I/O responses. */ struct ioqq *ready; /** The number of background threads. */ size_t nthreads; /** The background threads themselves. */ pthread_t threads[]; }; /** Background thread entry point. */ static void *ioq_work(void *ptr) { struct ioq *ioq = ptr; while (true) { struct ioq_ent *ent = ioqq_pop(ioq->pending); if (ent == &IOQ_STOP) { break; } bool cancel = load(&ioq->cancel, relaxed); ent->ret = -1; switch (ent->op) { case IOQ_CLOSE: // Always close(), even if we're cancelled, just like a real EINTR ent->ret = xclose(ent->close.fd); break; case IOQ_OPENDIR: if (!cancel) { struct ioq_opendir *args = &ent->opendir; ent->ret = bfs_opendir(args->dir, args->dfd, args->path); if (ent->ret == 0) { bfs_polldir(args->dir); } } break; case IOQ_CLOSEDIR: ent->ret = bfs_closedir(ent->closedir.dir); break; default: bfs_bug("Unknown ioq_op %d", (int)ent->op); errno = ENOSYS; break; } if (cancel) { ent->error = EINTR; } else if (ent->ret < 0) { ent->error = errno; } else { ent->error = 0; } ioqq_push(ioq->ready, ent); } return NULL; } struct ioq *ioq_create(size_t depth, size_t nthreads) { struct ioq *ioq = ZALLOC_FLEX(struct ioq, threads, nthreads); if (!ioq) { goto fail; } ioq->depth = depth; ARENA_INIT(&ioq->ents, struct ioq_ent); ioq->pending = ioqq_create(depth); if (!ioq->pending) { goto fail; } ioq->ready = ioqq_create(depth); if (!ioq->ready) { goto fail; } for (size_t i = 0; i < nthreads; ++i) { if (thread_create(&ioq->threads[i], NULL, ioq_work, ioq) != 0) { goto fail; } ++ioq->nthreads; } return ioq; int err; fail: err = errno; ioq_destroy(ioq); errno = err; return NULL; } size_t ioq_capacity(const struct ioq *ioq) { return ioq->depth - ioq->size; } static struct ioq_ent *ioq_request(struct ioq *ioq, enum ioq_op op, void *ptr) { if (load(&ioq->cancel, relaxed)) { errno = EINTR; return NULL; } if (ioq->size >= ioq->depth) { errno = EAGAIN; return NULL; } struct ioq_ent *ent = arena_alloc(&ioq->ents); if (!ent) { return NULL; } ent->op = op; ent->ptr = ptr; ++ioq->size; return ent; } int ioq_close(struct ioq *ioq, int fd, void *ptr) { struct ioq_ent *ent = ioq_request(ioq, IOQ_CLOSE, ptr); if (!ent) { return -1; } ent->close.fd = fd; ioqq_push(ioq->pending, ent); return 0; } int ioq_opendir(struct ioq *ioq, struct bfs_dir *dir, int dfd, const char *path, void *ptr) { struct ioq_ent *ent = ioq_request(ioq, IOQ_OPENDIR, ptr); if (!ent) { return -1; } struct ioq_opendir *args = &ent->opendir; args->dir = dir; args->dfd = dfd; args->path = path; ioqq_push(ioq->pending, ent); return 0; } int ioq_closedir(struct ioq *ioq, struct bfs_dir *dir, void *ptr) { struct ioq_ent *ent = ioq_request(ioq, IOQ_CLOSEDIR, ptr); if (!ent) { return -1; } ent->closedir.dir = dir; ioqq_push(ioq->pending, ent); return 0; } struct ioq_ent *ioq_pop(struct ioq *ioq) { if (ioq->size == 0) { return NULL; } return ioqq_pop(ioq->ready); } struct ioq_ent *ioq_trypop(struct ioq *ioq) { if (ioq->size == 0) { return NULL; } return ioqq_trypop(ioq->ready); } void ioq_free(struct ioq *ioq, struct ioq_ent *ent) { bfs_assert(ioq->size > 0); --ioq->size; arena_free(&ioq->ents, ent); } void ioq_cancel(struct ioq *ioq) { if (!exchange(&ioq->cancel, true, relaxed)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ioq->nthreads; ++i) { ioqq_push(ioq->pending, &IOQ_STOP); } } } void ioq_destroy(struct ioq *ioq) { if (!ioq) { return; } ioq_cancel(ioq); for (size_t i = 0; i < ioq->nthreads; ++i) { thread_join(ioq->threads[i], NULL); } ioqq_destroy(ioq->ready); ioqq_destroy(ioq->pending); arena_destroy(&ioq->ents); free(ioq); }