/********************************************************************* * bfs * * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Tavian Barnes * * * * This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to * * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it * * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want * * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See * * the COPYING file or http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. * *********************************************************************/ #include "bfs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Strings printed by -D tree for "fake" expressions static char *fake_and_arg = "-a"; static char *fake_false_arg = "-false"; static char *fake_or_arg = "-o"; static char *fake_print_arg = "-print"; static char *fake_true_arg = "-true"; /** * Singleton true expression instance. */ static struct expr expr_true = { .eval = eval_true, .lhs = NULL, .rhs = NULL, .pure = true, .argc = 1, .argv = &fake_true_arg, }; /** * Singleton false expression instance. */ static struct expr expr_false = { .eval = eval_false, .lhs = NULL, .rhs = NULL, .pure = true, .argc = 1, .argv = &fake_false_arg, }; /** * Free an expression. */ static void free_expr(struct expr *expr) { if (expr && expr != &expr_true && expr != &expr_false) { free_expr(expr->lhs); free_expr(expr->rhs); free(expr); } } /** * Create a new expression. */ static struct expr *new_expr(eval_fn *eval, bool pure, size_t argc, char **argv) { struct expr *expr = malloc(sizeof(struct expr)); if (expr) { expr->eval = eval; expr->lhs = NULL; expr->rhs = NULL; expr->pure = pure; expr->argc = argc; expr->argv = argv; } return expr; } /** * Create a new unary expression. */ static struct expr *new_unary_expr(eval_fn *eval, struct expr *rhs, char **argv) { struct expr *expr = new_expr(eval, rhs->pure, 1, argv); if (!expr) { free_expr(rhs); return NULL; } expr->rhs = rhs; return expr; } /** * Create a new binary expression. */ static struct expr *new_binary_expr(eval_fn *eval, struct expr *lhs, struct expr *rhs, char **argv) { struct expr *expr = new_expr(eval, lhs->pure && rhs->pure, 1, argv); if (!expr) { free_expr(rhs); free_expr(lhs); return NULL; } expr->lhs = lhs; expr->rhs = rhs; return expr; } /** * Dump the parsed expression tree, for debugging. */ static void dump_expr(const struct expr *expr) { fputs("(", stderr); for (size_t i = 0; i < expr->argc; ++i) { if (i > 0) { fputs(" ", stderr); } fputs(expr->argv[i], stderr); } if (expr->lhs) { fputs(" ", stderr); dump_expr(expr->lhs); } if (expr->rhs) { fputs(" ", stderr); dump_expr(expr->rhs); } fputs(")", stderr); } /** * Free the parsed command line. */ void free_cmdline(struct cmdline *cmdline) { if (cmdline) { free_expr(cmdline->expr); free_colors(cmdline->colors); free(cmdline->roots); free(cmdline); } } /** * Add a root path to the cmdline. */ static bool cmdline_add_root(struct cmdline *cmdline, const char *root) { size_t i = cmdline->nroots++; const char **roots = realloc(cmdline->roots, cmdline->nroots*sizeof(const char *)); if (!roots) { perror("realloc()"); return false; } roots[i] = root; cmdline->roots = roots; return true; } /** * Ephemeral state for parsing the command line. */ struct parser_state { /** The command line being constructed. */ struct cmdline *cmdline; /** The command line arguments being parsed. */ char **argv; /** The name of this program. */ const char *command; /** The optimization level. */ int optlevel; /** Whether a -print action is implied. */ bool implicit_print; /** Whether warnings are enabled (see -warn, -nowarn). */ bool warn; /** Whether any non-path arguments have been encountered. */ bool non_path_seen; /** Whether any non-option arguments have been encountered. */ bool non_option_seen; /** Whether an information option like -help or -version was passed. */ bool just_info; /** The current time. */ struct timespec now; }; /** * Possible token types. */ enum token_type { /** A root path. */ T_PATH, /** An option. */ T_OPTION, /** A test. */ T_TEST, /** An action. */ T_ACTION, /** An operator. */ T_OPERATOR, }; /** * Log an optimization. */ static void debug_opt(const struct parser_state *state, const char *format, ...) { if (!(state->cmdline->debug & DEBUG_OPT)) { return; } va_list args; va_start(args, format); for (const char *i = format; *i != '\0'; ++i) { if (*i == '%') { switch (*++i) { case '%': fputc('%', stderr); break; case 's': fputs(va_arg(args, const char *), stderr); break; case 'e': dump_expr(va_arg(args, const struct expr *)); break; } } else { fputc(*i, stderr); } } va_end(args); } /** * Invoke stat() on an argument. */ static int stat_arg(const struct parser_state *state, struct expr *expr, struct stat *sb) { const struct cmdline *cmdline = state->cmdline; bool follow = cmdline->flags & BFTW_FOLLOW; int flags = follow ? 0 : AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW; int ret = fstatat(AT_FDCWD, expr->sdata, sb, flags); if (ret != 0) { pretty_error(cmdline->stderr_colors, "'%s': %s\n", expr->sdata, strerror(errno)); free_expr(expr); } return ret; } /** * Parse the expression specified on the command line. */ static struct expr *parse_expr(struct parser_state *state); /** * Advance by a single token. */ static char **parser_advance(struct parser_state *state, enum token_type type, size_t argc) { if (type != T_PATH) { state->non_path_seen = true; if (type != T_OPTION) { state->non_option_seen = true; } } char **argv = state->argv; state->argv += argc; return argv; } /** * While parsing an expression, skip any paths and add them to the cmdline. */ static const char *skip_paths(struct parser_state *state) { while (true) { const char *arg = state->argv[0]; // By POSIX, these are always options if (!arg || (arg[0] == '-' && arg[1]) || strcmp(arg, "(") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "!") == 0) { return arg; } if (state->non_path_seen) { // By POSIX, these can be paths. We only treat them as // such at the beginning of the command line if (strcmp(arg, ")") == 0 || strcmp(arg, ",") == 0) { return arg; } } if (!cmdline_add_root(state->cmdline, arg)) { return NULL; } parser_advance(state, T_PATH, 1); } } /** Integer parsing flags. */ enum intflags { IF_INT = 0, IF_LONG = 1, IF_LONG_LONG = 2, IF_SIZE_MASK = 0x3, IF_UNSIGNED = 1 << 2, IF_PARTIAL_OK = 1 << 3, }; /** * Parse an integer. */ static const char *parse_int(const struct parser_state *state, const char *str, void *result, enum intflags flags) { char *endptr; errno = 0; long long value = strtoll(str, &endptr, 10); if (errno != 0) { goto bad; } if (endptr == str) { goto bad; } if (!(flags & IF_PARTIAL_OK) && *endptr != '\0') { goto bad; } if ((flags & IF_UNSIGNED) && value < 0) { goto bad; } switch (flags & IF_SIZE_MASK) { case IF_INT: if (value < INT_MIN || value > INT_MAX) { goto bad; } *(int *)result = value; break; case IF_LONG: if (value < LONG_MIN || value > LONG_MAX) { goto bad; } *(long *)result = value; break; case IF_LONG_LONG: *(long long *)result = value; break; } return endptr; bad: pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: '%s' is not a valid integer.\n", str); return NULL; } /** * Parse an integer and a comparison flag. */ static const char *parse_icmp(const struct parser_state *state, const char *str, struct expr *expr, enum intflags flags) { switch (str[0]) { case '-': expr->cmpflag = CMP_LESS; ++str; break; case '+': expr->cmpflag = CMP_GREATER; ++str; break; default: expr->cmpflag = CMP_EXACT; break; } return parse_int(state, str, &expr->idata, flags | IF_LONG_LONG | IF_UNSIGNED); } /** * Parse a single option. */ static struct expr *parse_option(struct parser_state *state, size_t argc) { const char *arg = *parser_advance(state, T_OPTION, argc); if (state->warn && state->non_option_seen) { pretty_warning(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "warning: The '%s' option applies to the entire command line. For clarity, place\n" "it before any non-option arguments.\n\n", arg); } return &expr_true; } /** * Parse an option that doesn't take a value. */ static struct expr *parse_nullary_option(struct parser_state *state) { return parse_option(state, 1); } /** * Parse an option that takes a value. */ static struct expr *parse_unary_option(struct parser_state *state) { return parse_option(state, 2); } /** * Parse a single positional option. */ static struct expr *parse_positional_option(struct parser_state *state, size_t argc) { parser_advance(state, T_OPTION, argc); return &expr_true; } /** * Parse a positional option that doesn't take a value. */ static struct expr *parse_nullary_positional_option(struct parser_state *state) { return parse_positional_option(state, 1); } /** * Parse a positional option that takes a value. */ static struct expr *parse_unary_positional_option(struct parser_state *state) { return parse_positional_option(state, 2); } /** * Parse a single test. */ static struct expr *parse_test(struct parser_state *state, eval_fn *eval, size_t argc) { char **argv = parser_advance(state, T_TEST, argc); return new_expr(eval, true, argc, argv); } /** * Parse a test that doesn't take a value. */ static struct expr *parse_nullary_test(struct parser_state *state, eval_fn *eval) { return parse_test(state, eval, 1); } /** * Parse a test that takes a value. */ static struct expr *parse_unary_test(struct parser_state *state, eval_fn *eval) { const char *arg = state->argv[0]; const char *value = state->argv[1]; if (!value) { pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s needs a value.\n", arg); return NULL; } struct expr *expr = parse_test(state, eval, 2); if (expr) { expr->sdata = value; } return expr; } /** * Parse a single action. */ static struct expr *parse_action(struct parser_state *state, eval_fn *eval, size_t argc) { if (eval != eval_nohidden && eval != eval_prune) { state->implicit_print = false; } char **argv = parser_advance(state, T_ACTION, argc); return new_expr(eval, false, argc, argv); } /** * Parse an action that takes no arguments. */ static struct expr *parse_nullary_action(struct parser_state *state, eval_fn *eval) { return parse_action(state, eval, 1); } /** * Parse a test expression with integer data and a comparison flag. */ static struct expr *parse_test_icmp(struct parser_state *state, eval_fn *eval) { struct expr *expr = parse_unary_test(state, eval); if (!expr) { return NULL; } if (!parse_icmp(state, expr->sdata, expr, 0)) { free_expr(expr); return NULL; } return expr; } /** * Parse -D FLAG. */ static struct expr *parse_debug(struct parser_state *state) { struct cmdline *cmdline = state->cmdline; const char *arg = state->argv[0]; const char *flag = state->argv[1]; if (!flag) { pretty_error(cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s needs a flag.\n", arg); return NULL; } if (strcmp(flag, "help") == 0) { printf("Supported debug flags:\n\n"); printf(" help: This message.\n"); printf(" opt: Print optimization details.\n"); printf(" stat: Trace all stat() calls.\n"); printf(" tree: Print the parse tree.\n"); state->just_info = true; return NULL; } else if (strcmp(flag, "opt") == 0) { cmdline->debug |= DEBUG_OPT; } else if (strcmp(flag, "stat") == 0) { cmdline->debug |= DEBUG_STAT; } else if (strcmp(flag, "tree") == 0) { cmdline->debug |= DEBUG_TREE; } else { pretty_warning(cmdline->stderr_colors, "warning: Unrecognized debug flag '%s'.\n\n", flag); } return parse_unary_positional_option(state); } /** * Parse -On. */ static struct expr *parse_optlevel(struct parser_state *state) { if (!parse_int(state, state->argv[0] + 2, &state->cmdline->optlevel, IF_INT)) { return NULL; } return parse_nullary_positional_option(state); } /** * Parse -executable, -readable, -writable */ static struct expr *parse_access(struct parser_state *state, int flag) { struct expr *expr = parse_nullary_test(state, eval_access); if (expr) { expr->idata = flag; } return expr; } /** * Parse -[acm]{min,time}. */ static struct expr *parse_acmtime(struct parser_state *state, enum timefield field, enum timeunit unit) { struct expr *expr = parse_test_icmp(state, eval_acmtime); if (expr) { expr->reftime = state->now; expr->timefield = field; expr->timeunit = unit; } return expr; } /** * Parse -[ac]?newer. */ static struct expr *parse_acnewer(struct parser_state *state, enum timefield field) { struct expr *expr = parse_unary_test(state, eval_acnewer); if (!expr) { return NULL; } struct stat sb; if (stat_arg(state, expr, &sb) != 0) { return NULL; } expr->reftime = sb.st_mtim; expr->timefield = field; return expr; } /** * "Parse" -daystart. */ static struct expr *parse_daystart(struct parser_state *state) { // Should be called before localtime_r() according to POSIX.1-2004 tzset(); struct tm tm; if (!localtime_r(&state->now.tv_sec, &tm)) { perror("localtime_r()"); return NULL; } if (tm.tm_hour || tm.tm_min || tm.tm_sec || state->now.tv_nsec) { ++tm.tm_mday; } tm.tm_hour = 0; tm.tm_min = 0; tm.tm_sec = 0; time_t time = mktime(&tm); if (time == -1) { perror("mktime()"); return NULL; } state->now.tv_sec = time; state->now.tv_nsec = 0; return parse_nullary_positional_option(state); } /** * Parse -{min,max}depth N. */ static struct expr *parse_depth(struct parser_state *state, int *depth) { const char *arg = state->argv[0]; const char *value = state->argv[1]; if (!value) { pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s needs a value.\n", arg); return NULL; } if (!parse_int(state, value, depth, IF_INT)) { return NULL; } return parse_unary_option(state); } /** * Parse -exec[dir]/-ok[dir]. */ static struct expr *parse_exec(struct parser_state *state, enum execflags flags) { size_t i = 1; const char *arg; while ((arg = state->argv[i++])) { if (strcmp(arg, ";") == 0) { break; } else if (strcmp(arg, "+") == 0) { flags |= EXEC_MULTI; break; } } if (!arg) { pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s: Expected ';' or '+'.\n", state->argv[0]); return NULL; } if (flags & EXEC_MULTI) { pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s ... {} + is not supported yet.\n", state->argv[0]); return NULL; } struct expr *expr = parse_action(state, eval_exec, i); if (expr) { expr->execflags = flags; } return expr; } /** * Parse -group. */ static struct expr *parse_group(struct parser_state *state) { const char *arg = state->argv[0]; struct expr *expr = parse_unary_test(state, eval_gid); if (!expr) { return NULL; } const char *error; errno = 0; struct group *grp = getgrnam(expr->sdata); if (grp) { expr->idata = grp->gr_gid; } else if (errno != 0) { error = strerror(errno); goto error; } else if (isdigit(expr->sdata[0])) { if (!parse_int(state, expr->sdata, &expr->idata, IF_LONG_LONG)) { goto fail; } } else { error = "No such group"; goto error; } expr->cmpflag = CMP_EXACT; return expr; error: pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s %s: %s.\n", arg, expr->sdata, error); fail: free_expr(expr); return NULL; } /** * Parse -user. */ static struct expr *parse_user(struct parser_state *state) { const char *arg = state->argv[0]; struct expr *expr = parse_unary_test(state, eval_uid); if (!expr) { return NULL; } const char *error; errno = 0; struct passwd *pwd = getpwnam(expr->sdata); if (pwd) { expr->idata = pwd->pw_uid; } else if (errno != 0) { error = strerror(errno); goto error; } else if (isdigit(expr->sdata[0])) { if (!parse_int(state, expr->sdata, &expr->idata, IF_LONG_LONG)) { goto fail; } } else { error = "No such user"; goto error; } expr->cmpflag = CMP_EXACT; return expr; error: pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s %s: %s.\n", arg, expr->sdata, error); fail: free_expr(expr); return NULL; } /** * Set the FNM_CASEFOLD flag, if supported. */ static struct expr *set_fnm_casefold(const struct parser_state *state, struct expr *expr, bool casefold) { if (expr) { if (casefold) { #ifdef FNM_CASEFOLD expr->idata = FNM_CASEFOLD; #else pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s is missing platform support.\n", expr->argv[0]); free(expr); return NULL; #endif } else { expr->idata = 0; } } return expr; } /** * Parse -i?name. */ static struct expr *parse_name(struct parser_state *state, bool casefold) { struct expr *expr = parse_unary_test(state, eval_name); return set_fnm_casefold(state, expr, casefold); } /** * Parse -i?path, -i?wholename. */ static struct expr *parse_path(struct parser_state *state, bool casefold) { struct expr *expr = parse_unary_test(state, eval_path); return set_fnm_casefold(state, expr, casefold); } /** * Parse -i?lname. */ static struct expr *parse_lname(struct parser_state *state, bool casefold) { struct expr *expr = parse_unary_test(state, eval_lname); return set_fnm_casefold(state, expr, casefold); } /** * Parse -newerXY. */ static struct expr *parse_newerxy(struct parser_state *state) { const char *arg = state->argv[0]; if (strlen(arg) != 8) { pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: Expected -newerXY; found %s.\n", arg); return NULL; } struct expr *expr = parse_unary_test(state, eval_acnewer); if (!expr) { return NULL; } switch (arg[6]) { case 'a': expr->timefield = ATIME; break; case 'c': expr->timefield = CTIME; break; case 'm': expr->timefield = MTIME; break; case 'B': pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s: File birth times ('B') are not supported.\n", arg); free(expr); return NULL; default: pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s: For -newerXY, X should be 'a', 'c', 'm', or 'B'.\n", arg); free(expr); return NULL; } if (arg[7] == 't') { pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s: Explicit reference times ('t') are not supported.\n", arg); free(expr); return NULL; } else { struct stat sb; if (stat_arg(state, expr, &sb) != 0) { return NULL; } switch (arg[7]) { case 'a': expr->reftime = sb.st_atim; break; case 'c': expr->reftime = sb.st_ctim; break; case 'm': expr->reftime = sb.st_mtim; break; case 'B': pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s: File birth times ('B') are not supported.\n", arg); free(expr); return NULL; default: pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s: For -newerXY, Y should be 'a', 'c', 'm', 'B', or 't'.\n", arg); free(expr); return NULL; } } return expr; } /** * Parse -noleaf. */ static struct expr *parse_noleaf(struct parser_state *state) { if (state->warn) { pretty_warning(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "warning: bfs does not apply the optimization that %s inhibits.\n\n", state->argv[0]); } return parse_nullary_option(state); } /** * Parse -samefile FILE. */ static struct expr *parse_samefile(struct parser_state *state) { struct expr *expr = parse_unary_test(state, eval_samefile); if (!expr) { return NULL; } struct stat sb; if (stat_arg(state, expr, &sb) != 0) { return NULL; } expr->dev = sb.st_dev; expr->ino = sb.st_ino; return expr; } /** * Parse -size N[bcwkMG]?. */ static struct expr *parse_size(struct parser_state *state) { struct expr *expr = parse_unary_test(state, eval_size); if (!expr) { return NULL; } const char *unit = parse_icmp(state, expr->sdata, expr, IF_PARTIAL_OK); if (!unit) { goto fail; } if (strlen(unit) > 1) { goto bad_unit; } switch (*unit) { case '\0': case 'b': expr->sizeunit = SIZE_BLOCKS; break; case 'c': expr->sizeunit = SIZE_BYTES; break; case 'w': expr->sizeunit = SIZE_WORDS; break; case 'k': expr->sizeunit = SIZE_KB; break; case 'M': expr->sizeunit = SIZE_MB; break; case 'G': expr->sizeunit = SIZE_GB; break; default: goto bad_unit; } return expr; bad_unit: pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: %s %s: Expected a size unit of 'b', 'c', 'w', 'k', 'M', or 'G'; found %s.\n", expr->argv[0], expr->argv[1], unit); fail: free(expr); return NULL; } /** * Parse -x?type [bcdpfls]. */ static struct expr *parse_type(struct parser_state *state, eval_fn *eval) { struct expr *expr = parse_unary_test(state, eval); if (!expr) { return NULL; } int typeflag = BFTW_UNKNOWN; switch (expr->sdata[0]) { case 'b': typeflag = BFTW_BLK; break; case 'c': typeflag = BFTW_CHR; break; case 'd': typeflag = BFTW_DIR; break; case 'p': typeflag = BFTW_FIFO; break; case 'f': typeflag = BFTW_REG; break; case 'l': typeflag = BFTW_LNK; break; case 's': typeflag = BFTW_SOCK; break; } if (typeflag == BFTW_UNKNOWN || expr->sdata[1] != '\0') { pretty_error(state->cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: Unknown type flag '%s'.\n", expr->sdata); free_expr(expr); return NULL; } expr->idata = typeflag; return expr; } /** * "Parse" -help. */ static struct expr *parse_help(struct parser_state *state) { printf("Usage: %s [arguments...]\n\n", state->command); printf("bfs is compatible with find; see find -help or man find for help with find-\n" "compatible options :)\n\n"); printf("Extra features:\n" " -color, -nocolor: Turn on or off file type colorization.\n\n" " -hidden, -nohidden: Match hidden files, or filter them out.\n\n"); printf("%s\n", BFS_HOMEPAGE); state->just_info = true; return NULL; } /** * "Parse" -version. */ static struct expr *parse_version(struct parser_state *state) { printf("bfs %s\n\n", BFS_VERSION); printf("%s\n", BFS_HOMEPAGE); state->just_info = true; return NULL; } /** * LITERAL : OPTION * | TEST * | ACTION */ static struct expr *parse_literal(struct parser_state *state) { struct cmdline *cmdline = state->cmdline; // Paths are already skipped at this point const char *arg = state->argv[0]; if (arg[0] != '-') { pretty_error(cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: Expected a predicate; found '%s'.\n", arg); return NULL; } switch (arg[1]) { case 'D': if (strcmp(arg, "-D") == 0) { return parse_debug(state); } break; case 'O': return parse_optlevel(state); case 'P': if (strcmp(arg, "-P") == 0) { cmdline->flags &= ~(BFTW_FOLLOW | BFTW_DETECT_CYCLES); return parse_nullary_positional_option(state); } break; case 'H': if (strcmp(arg, "-H") == 0) { cmdline->flags &= ~(BFTW_FOLLOW_NONROOT | BFTW_DETECT_CYCLES); cmdline->flags |= BFTW_FOLLOW_ROOT; return parse_nullary_positional_option(state); } break; case 'L': if (strcmp(arg, "-L") == 0) { cmdline->flags |= BFTW_FOLLOW | BFTW_DETECT_CYCLES; return parse_nullary_positional_option(state); } break; case 'a': if (strcmp(arg, "-amin") == 0) { return parse_acmtime(state, ATIME, MINUTES); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-atime") == 0) { return parse_acmtime(state, ATIME, DAYS); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-anewer") == 0) { return parse_acnewer(state, ATIME); } break; case 'c': if (strcmp(arg, "-cmin") == 0) { return parse_acmtime(state, CTIME, MINUTES); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-ctime") == 0) { return parse_acmtime(state, CTIME, DAYS); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-cnewer") == 0) { return parse_acnewer(state, CTIME); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-color") == 0) { cmdline->stdout_colors = cmdline->colors; cmdline->stderr_colors = cmdline->colors; return parse_nullary_option(state); } break; case 'd': if (strcmp(arg, "-daystart") == 0) { return parse_daystart(state); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-delete") == 0) { cmdline->flags |= BFTW_DEPTH; return parse_nullary_action(state, eval_delete); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-d") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-depth") == 0) { cmdline->flags |= BFTW_DEPTH; return parse_nullary_option(state); } break; case 'e': if (strcmp(arg, "-empty") == 0) { return parse_nullary_test(state, eval_empty); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-exec") == 0) { return parse_exec(state, 0); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-execdir") == 0) { return parse_exec(state, EXEC_CHDIR); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-executable") == 0) { return parse_access(state, X_OK); } break; case 'f': if (strcmp(arg, "-false") == 0) { parser_advance(state, T_TEST, 1); return &expr_false; } else if (strcmp(arg, "-follow") == 0) { cmdline->flags |= BFTW_FOLLOW | BFTW_DETECT_CYCLES; return parse_nullary_positional_option(state); } break; case 'g': if (strcmp(arg, "-gid") == 0) { return parse_test_icmp(state, eval_gid); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-group") == 0) { return parse_group(state); } break; case 'h': if (strcmp(arg, "-help") == 0) { return parse_help(state); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-hidden") == 0) { return parse_nullary_test(state, eval_hidden); } break; case 'i': if (strcmp(arg, "-ilname") == 0) { return parse_lname(state, true); } if (strcmp(arg, "-iname") == 0) { return parse_name(state, true); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-inum") == 0) { return parse_test_icmp(state, eval_inum); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-ipath") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-iwholename") == 0) { return parse_path(state, true); } break; case 'l': if (strcmp(arg, "-links") == 0) { return parse_test_icmp(state, eval_links); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-lname") == 0) { return parse_lname(state, false); } break; case 'm': if (strcmp(arg, "-mindepth") == 0) { return parse_depth(state, &cmdline->mindepth); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-maxdepth") == 0) { return parse_depth(state, &cmdline->maxdepth); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-mmin") == 0) { return parse_acmtime(state, MTIME, MINUTES); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-mount") == 0) { cmdline->flags |= BFTW_MOUNT; return parse_nullary_option(state); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-mtime") == 0) { return parse_acmtime(state, MTIME, DAYS); } break; case 'n': if (strcmp(arg, "-name") == 0) { return parse_name(state, false); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-newer") == 0) { return parse_acnewer(state, MTIME); } else if (strncmp(arg, "-newer", 6) == 0) { return parse_newerxy(state); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-nocolor") == 0) { cmdline->stdout_colors = NULL; cmdline->stderr_colors = NULL; return parse_nullary_option(state); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-nohidden") == 0) { return parse_nullary_action(state, eval_nohidden); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-noleaf") == 0) { return parse_noleaf(state); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-nowarn") == 0) { state->warn = false; return parse_nullary_positional_option(state); } break; case 'o': if (strcmp(arg, "-ok") == 0) { return parse_exec(state, EXEC_CONFIRM); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-okdir") == 0) { return parse_exec(state, EXEC_CONFIRM | EXEC_CHDIR); } break; case 'p': if (strcmp(arg, "-path") == 0) { return parse_path(state, false); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-print") == 0) { return parse_nullary_action(state, eval_print); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-print0") == 0) { return parse_nullary_action(state, eval_print0); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-prune") == 0) { return parse_nullary_action(state, eval_prune); } break; case 'q': if (strcmp(arg, "-quit") == 0) { return parse_nullary_action(state, eval_quit); } break; case 'r': if (strcmp(arg, "-readable") == 0) { return parse_access(state, R_OK); } break; case 's': if (strcmp(arg, "-samefile") == 0) { return parse_samefile(state); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-size") == 0) { return parse_size(state); } break; case 't': if (strcmp(arg, "-true") == 0) { parser_advance(state, T_TEST, 1); return &expr_true; } else if (strcmp(arg, "-type") == 0) { return parse_type(state, eval_type); } break; case 'u': if (strcmp(arg, "-uid") == 0) { return parse_test_icmp(state, eval_uid); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-used") == 0) { return parse_test_icmp(state, eval_used); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-user") == 0) { return parse_user(state); } break; case 'v': if (strcmp(arg, "-version") == 0) { return parse_version(state); } break; case 'w': if (strcmp(arg, "-warn") == 0) { state->warn = true; return parse_nullary_positional_option(state); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-wholename") == 0) { return parse_path(state, false); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-writable") == 0) { return parse_access(state, W_OK); } break; case 'x': if (strcmp(arg, "-xdev") == 0) { cmdline->flags |= BFTW_MOUNT; return parse_nullary_option(state); } else if (strcmp(arg, "-xtype") == 0) { return parse_type(state, eval_xtype); } break; case '-': if (strcmp(arg, "--help") == 0) { return parse_help(state); } else if (strcmp(arg, "--version") == 0) { return parse_version(state); } break; } pretty_error(cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: Unknown argument '%s'.\n", arg); return NULL; } static struct expr *new_and_expr(const struct parser_state *state, struct expr *lhs, struct expr *rhs, char **argv); static struct expr *new_or_expr(const struct parser_state *state, struct expr *lhs, struct expr *rhs, char **argv); /** * Create a "not" expression. */ static struct expr *new_not_expr(const struct parser_state *state, struct expr *rhs, char **argv) { if (state->cmdline->optlevel >= 1) { if (rhs == &expr_true) { debug_opt(state, "-O1: constant propagation: (%s %e) <==> %e\n", argv[0], rhs, &expr_false); return &expr_false; } else if (rhs == &expr_false) { debug_opt(state, "-O1: constant propagation: (%s %e) <==> %e\n", argv[0], rhs, &expr_true); return &expr_true; } else if (rhs->eval == eval_not) { struct expr *expr = rhs->rhs; debug_opt(state, "-O1: double negation: (%s %e) <==> %e\n", argv[0], rhs, expr); rhs->rhs = NULL; free_expr(rhs); return expr; } else if ((rhs->eval == eval_and || rhs->eval == eval_or) && (rhs->lhs->eval == eval_not || rhs->rhs->eval == eval_not)) { bool other_and = rhs->eval == eval_or; char **other_arg = other_and ? &fake_and_arg : &fake_or_arg; debug_opt(state, "-O1: De Morgan's laws: (%s %e) <==> (%s (%s %e) (%s %e))\n", argv[0], rhs, *other_arg, argv[0], rhs->lhs, argv[0], rhs->rhs); struct expr *other_lhs = new_not_expr(state, rhs->lhs, argv); struct expr *other_rhs = new_not_expr(state, rhs->rhs, argv); rhs->rhs = NULL; rhs->lhs = NULL; free_expr(rhs); if (!other_lhs || !other_rhs) { free_expr(other_rhs); free_expr(other_lhs); return NULL; } if (other_and) { return new_and_expr(state, other_lhs, other_rhs, other_arg); } else { return new_or_expr(state, other_lhs, other_rhs, other_arg); } } } return new_unary_expr(eval_not, rhs, argv); } /** * FACTOR : "(" EXPR ")" * | "!" FACTOR | "-not" FACTOR * | LITERAL */ static struct expr *parse_factor(struct parser_state *state) { const char *arg = skip_paths(state); if (!arg) { fputs("Expression terminated prematurely.\n", stderr); return NULL; } if (strcmp(arg, "(") == 0) { parser_advance(state, T_OPERATOR, 1); struct expr *expr = parse_expr(state); if (!expr) { return NULL; } arg = skip_paths(state); if (!arg || strcmp(arg, ")") != 0) { fputs("Expected a ')'.\n", stderr); free_expr(expr); return NULL; } parser_advance(state, T_OPERATOR, 1); return expr; } else if (strcmp(arg, "!") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-not") == 0) { char **argv = parser_advance(state, T_OPERATOR, 1); struct expr *factor = parse_factor(state); if (!factor) { return NULL; } return new_not_expr(state, factor, argv); } else { return parse_literal(state); } } /** * Create an "and" expression. */ static struct expr *new_and_expr(const struct parser_state *state, struct expr *lhs, struct expr *rhs, char **argv) { int optlevel = state->cmdline->optlevel; if (optlevel >= 1) { if (lhs == &expr_true) { debug_opt(state, "-O1: conjunction elimination: (%s %e %e) <==> %e\n", argv[0], lhs, rhs, rhs); return rhs; } else if (lhs == &expr_false) { debug_opt(state, "-O1: short-circuit: (%s %e %e) <==> %e\n", argv[0], lhs, rhs, lhs); free_expr(rhs); return lhs; } else if (rhs == &expr_true) { debug_opt(state, "-O1: conjunction elimination: (%s %e %e) <==> %e\n", argv[0], lhs, rhs, lhs); return lhs; } else if (optlevel >= 2 && rhs == &expr_false && lhs->pure) { debug_opt(state, "-O2: purity: (%s %e %e) <==> %e\n", argv[0], lhs, rhs, rhs); free_expr(lhs); return rhs; } else if (lhs->eval == eval_not && rhs->eval == eval_not) { char **not_arg = lhs->argv; debug_opt(state, "-O1: De Morgan's laws: (%s %e %e) <==> (%s (%s %e %e))\n", argv[0], lhs, rhs, *not_arg, fake_or_arg, lhs->rhs, rhs->rhs); struct expr *or_expr = new_or_expr(state, lhs->rhs, rhs->rhs, &fake_or_arg); rhs->rhs = NULL; lhs->rhs = NULL; free_expr(rhs); free_expr(lhs); if (!or_expr) { return NULL; } return new_not_expr(state, or_expr, not_arg); } } return new_binary_expr(eval_and, lhs, rhs, argv); } /** * TERM : FACTOR * | TERM FACTOR * | TERM "-a" FACTOR * | TERM "-and" FACTOR */ static struct expr *parse_term(struct parser_state *state) { struct expr *term = parse_factor(state); while (term) { const char *arg = skip_paths(state); if (!arg) { break; } if (strcmp(arg, "-o") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-or") == 0 || strcmp(arg, ",") == 0 || strcmp(arg, ")") == 0) { break; } char **argv = &fake_and_arg; if (strcmp(arg, "-a") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-and") == 0) { argv = parser_advance(state, T_OPERATOR, 1); } struct expr *lhs = term; struct expr *rhs = parse_factor(state); if (!rhs) { free_expr(lhs); return NULL; } term = new_and_expr(state, lhs, rhs, argv); } return term; } /** * Create an "or" expression. */ static struct expr *new_or_expr(const struct parser_state *state, struct expr *lhs, struct expr *rhs, char **argv) { int optlevel = state->cmdline->optlevel; if (optlevel >= 1) { if (lhs == &expr_true) { debug_opt(state, "-O1: short-circuit: (%s %e %e) <==> %e\n", argv[0], lhs, rhs, lhs); free_expr(rhs); return lhs; } else if (lhs == &expr_false) { debug_opt(state, "-O1: disjunctive syllogism: (%s %e %e) <==> %e\n", argv[0], lhs, rhs, rhs); return rhs; } else if (optlevel >= 2 && rhs == &expr_true && lhs->pure) { debug_opt(state, "-O2: purity: (%s %e %e) <==> %e\n", argv[0], lhs, rhs, rhs); free_expr(lhs); return rhs; } else if (rhs == &expr_false) { debug_opt(state, "-O1: disjunctive syllogism: (%s %e %e) <==> %e\n", argv[0], lhs, rhs, lhs); return lhs; } else if (lhs->eval == eval_not && rhs->eval == eval_not) { char **not_arg = lhs->argv; debug_opt(state, "-O1: De Morgan's laws: (%s %e %e) <==> (%s (%s %e %e))\n", argv[0], lhs, rhs, *not_arg, fake_and_arg, lhs->rhs, rhs->rhs); struct expr *and_expr = new_and_expr(state, lhs->rhs, rhs->rhs, &fake_and_arg); rhs->rhs = NULL; lhs->rhs = NULL; free_expr(rhs); free_expr(lhs); if (!and_expr) { return NULL; } return new_not_expr(state, and_expr, not_arg); } } return new_binary_expr(eval_or, lhs, rhs, argv); } /** * CLAUSE : TERM * | CLAUSE "-o" TERM * | CLAUSE "-or" TERM */ static struct expr *parse_clause(struct parser_state *state) { struct expr *clause = parse_term(state); while (clause) { const char *arg = skip_paths(state); if (!arg) { break; } if (strcmp(arg, "-o") != 0 && strcmp(arg, "-or") != 0) { break; } char **argv = parser_advance(state, T_OPERATOR, 1); struct expr *lhs = clause; struct expr *rhs = parse_term(state); if (!rhs) { free_expr(lhs); return NULL; } clause = new_or_expr(state, lhs, rhs, argv); } return clause; } /** * Create a "comma" expression. */ static struct expr *new_comma_expr(const struct parser_state *state, struct expr *lhs, struct expr *rhs, char **argv) { int optlevel = state->cmdline->optlevel; if (optlevel >= 1) { if (lhs->eval == eval_not) { debug_opt(state, "-O1: ignored result: (%s %e %e) <==> (%s %e %e)\n", argv[0], lhs, rhs, argv[0], lhs->rhs, rhs); struct expr *old = lhs; lhs = old->rhs; old->rhs = NULL; free_expr(old); } if (optlevel >= 2 && lhs->pure) { debug_opt(state, "-O2: purity: (%s %e %e) <==> %e\n", argv[0], lhs, rhs, rhs); free_expr(lhs); return rhs; } } return new_binary_expr(eval_comma, lhs, rhs, argv); } /** * EXPR : CLAUSE * | EXPR "," CLAUSE */ static struct expr *parse_expr(struct parser_state *state) { struct expr *expr = parse_clause(state); while (expr) { const char *arg = skip_paths(state); if (!arg) { break; } if (strcmp(arg, ",") != 0) { break; } char **argv = parser_advance(state, T_OPERATOR, 1); struct expr *lhs = expr; struct expr *rhs = parse_clause(state); if (!rhs) { free_expr(lhs); return NULL; } expr = new_comma_expr(state, lhs, rhs, argv); } return expr; } /** * Apply top-level optimizations. */ static struct expr *optimize_whole_expr(const struct parser_state *state, struct expr *expr) { int optlevel = state->cmdline->optlevel; if (optlevel >= 2) { while ((expr->eval == eval_and || expr->eval == eval_or || expr->eval == eval_comma) && expr->rhs->pure) { debug_opt(state, "-O2: top-level purity: %e <==> %e\n", expr, expr->lhs); struct expr *old = expr; expr = old->lhs; old->lhs = NULL; free_expr(old); } } if (optlevel >= 3 && expr->pure && expr != &expr_false) { debug_opt(state, "-O3: top-level purity: %e <==> %e\n", expr, &expr_false); free_expr(expr); expr = &expr_false; } return expr; } /** * Dump the parsed form of the command line, for debugging. */ static void dump_cmdline(const struct cmdline *cmdline) { if (cmdline->flags & BFTW_FOLLOW_NONROOT) { fputs("-L ", stderr); } else if (cmdline->flags & BFTW_FOLLOW_ROOT) { fputs("-H ", stderr); } else { fputs("-P ", stderr); } if (cmdline->optlevel != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "-O%d ", cmdline->optlevel); } if (cmdline->debug & DEBUG_OPT) { fputs("-D opt ", stderr); } if (cmdline->debug & DEBUG_STAT) { fputs("-D stat ", stderr); } if (cmdline->debug & DEBUG_TREE) { fputs("-D tree ", stderr); } for (size_t i = 0; i < cmdline->nroots; ++i) { fprintf(stderr, "%s ", cmdline->roots[i]); } if (cmdline->flags & BFTW_DEPTH) { fputs("-depth ", stderr); } if (cmdline->flags & BFTW_MOUNT) { fputs("-mount ", stderr); } if (cmdline->mindepth != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-mindepth %d ", cmdline->mindepth); } if (cmdline->maxdepth != INT_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "-maxdepth %d ", cmdline->maxdepth); } if (cmdline->stdout_colors) { fputs("-color ", stderr); } else { fputs("-nocolor ", stderr); } dump_expr(cmdline->expr); fputs("\n", stderr); } /** * Parse the command line. */ struct cmdline *parse_cmdline(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct cmdline *cmdline = malloc(sizeof(struct cmdline)); if (!cmdline) { goto fail; } cmdline->roots = NULL; cmdline->nroots = 0; cmdline->mindepth = 0; cmdline->maxdepth = INT_MAX; cmdline->flags = BFTW_RECOVER; cmdline->optlevel = 2; cmdline->debug = 0; cmdline->expr = &expr_true; cmdline->colors = parse_colors(getenv("LS_COLORS")); cmdline->stdout_colors = isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) ? cmdline->colors : NULL; cmdline->stderr_colors = isatty(STDERR_FILENO) ? cmdline->colors : NULL; struct parser_state state = { .cmdline = cmdline, .argv = argv + 1, .command = argv[0], .implicit_print = true, .warn = true, .non_option_seen = false, .just_info = false, }; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &state.now) != 0) { perror("clock_gettime()"); goto fail; } if (skip_paths(&state)) { cmdline->expr = parse_expr(&state); if (!cmdline->expr) { if (state.just_info) { goto done; } else { goto fail; } } } if (state.argv[0]) { pretty_error(cmdline->stderr_colors, "error: Unexpected argument '%s'.\n", state.argv[0]); goto fail; } if (state.implicit_print) { struct expr *print = new_expr(eval_print, false, 1, &fake_print_arg); if (!print) { goto fail; } cmdline->expr = new_and_expr(&state, cmdline->expr, print, &fake_and_arg); if (!cmdline->expr) { goto fail; } } cmdline->expr = optimize_whole_expr(&state, cmdline->expr); if (cmdline->nroots == 0) { if (!cmdline_add_root(cmdline, ".")) { goto fail; } } if (cmdline->debug & DEBUG_TREE) { dump_cmdline(cmdline); } done: return cmdline; fail: free_cmdline(cmdline); return NULL; }