0.* === 0.82 ---- **Unreleased** 62/76 GNU find features supported. - Rework optimization levels - `-O1` - Simple boolean simplification - `-O2` - Purity-based optimizations, allowing side-effect-free tests like `-name` or `-type` to be moved or removed - `-O3` (**default**): - Re-order tests to reduce the expected cost (TODO) - `-O4` - Aggressive optimizations that may have surprising effects on warning/error messages and runtime, but should not otherwise affect the results - `-Ofast`: - Always the highest level, currently the same as `-O4` - Color files with multiple hard links correctly - Treat `-`, `)`, and `,` as paths when required to by POSIX - `)` and `,` are only supported before the expression begins - Implement `-D opt` - Implement `-D rates` - Implement `-fprint` - Implement `-fprint0` - Implement BSD's `-f` 0.79 ---- **May 27, 2016** 60/76 GNU find features supported. - Remove an errant debug `printf()` from `-used` - Implement the `{} ;` variants of `-exec`, `-execdir`, `-ok`, and `-okdir` 0.74 ---- **March 12, 2016** 56/76 GNU find features supported. - Color broken symlinks correctly - Fix https://github.com/tavianator/bfs/issues/7 - Fix `-daystart`'s rounding of midnight - Implement (most of) `-newerXY` - Implement `-used` - Implement `-size` 0.70 ---- **February 23, 2016** 53/76 GNU find features supported. - New `make install` and `make uninstall` targets - Squelch non-positional warnings for `-follow` - Reduce memory footprint by as much as 64% by closing `DIR*`s earlier - Speed up `bfs` by ~5% by using a better FD cache eviction policy - Fix infinite recursion when evaluating `! expr` - Optimize unused pure expressions (e.g. `-empty -a -false`) - Optimize double-negation (e.g. `! ! -name foo`) - Implement `-D stat` and `-D tree` - Implement `-O` 0.67 ---- **February 14, 2016** Initial release. 51/76 GNU find features supported.