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index 8f7487b..2b3c8fe 100644
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//! As Close As Possible — [nearest neighbor search] in Rust.
+//! # Overview
+//! The notion of distances between points is captured by the [Proximity] trait. Its [`distance()`]
+//! method returns a [Distance], from which the actual numerical distance may be retrieved with
+//! [`value()`]. These layers of abstraction allow `acap` to work with generically with different
+//! distance functions over different types.
+//! There are no restrictions on the distances computed by a [Proximity]. For example, they don't
+//! have to be symmetric, subadditive, or even positive. Implementations that do have these
+//! desirable properties will additionally implement the [Metric] marker trait. This distinction
+//! allows `acap` to support a wide variety of useful metric and non-metric distances.
+//! As a concrete example, consider `Euclidean<[i32; 2]>`. The [Euclidean] wrapper equips any type
+//! that has [coordinates] with the [Euclidean distance] function as its Proximity implementation:
+//! use acap::distance::Proximity;
+//! use acap::euclid::Euclidean;
+//! let a = Euclidean([3, 4]);
+//! let b = Euclidean([7, 7]);
+//! assert_eq!(a.distance(&b), 5);
+//! In this case, `distance()` doesn't return a number directly; as an optimization, it returns a
+//! [EuclideanDistance] wrapper. This wrapper stores the squared value of the distance, to avoid
+//! computing square roots until absolutely necessary. Still, it transparently supports comparisons
+//! with numerical values:
+//! # use acap::distance::Proximity;
+//! # use acap::euclid::Euclidean;
+//! # let a = Euclidean([3, 4]);
+//! # let b = Euclidean([7, 7]);
+//! use acap::distance::Distance;
+//! let d = a.distance(&b);
+//! assert!(d > 4 && d < 6);
+//! assert_eq!(d, 5);
+//! assert_eq!(d.value(), 5.0f32);
+//! For finding the nearest neighbors to a point from a set of other points, the [NearestNeighbors]
+//! trait provides a uniform interface to [many different similarity search data structures]. One
+//! such structure is the [vantage-point tree], available in `acap` as [VpTree]:
+//! # use acap::euclid::Euclidean;
+//! use acap::vp::VpTree;
+//! use acap::NearestNeighbors;
+//! let tree = VpTree::balanced(vec![
+//! Euclidean([3, 4]),
+//! Euclidean([5, 12]),
+//! Euclidean([8, 15]),
+//! Euclidean([7, 24]),
+//! ]);
+//! [VpTree] implements [NearestNeighbors], which has a [`nearest()`] method that returns an
+//! optional [Neighbor]. The [Neighbor] struct holds the actual neighbor it found, and the distance
+//! it was from the target:
+//! # use acap::euclid::Euclidean;
+//! # use acap::vp::VpTree;
+//! # use acap::NearestNeighbors;
+//! # let tree = VpTree::balanced(
+//! # vec![Euclidean([3, 4]), Euclidean([5, 12]), Euclidean([8, 15]), Euclidean([7, 24])]
+//! # );
+//! let nearest = tree.nearest(&[7, 7]).unwrap();
+//! assert_eq!(nearest.item, &Euclidean([3, 4]));
+//! assert_eq!(nearest.distance, 5);
+//! [NearestNeighbors] also provides the [`nearest_within()`], [`k_nearest()`], and
+//! [`k_nearest_within()`] methods which find up to `k` neighbors within a possible threshold.
+//! It can be expensive to compute nearest neighbors exactly, especially in high dimensions.
+//! For performance reasons, [NearestNeighbors] implementations are allowed to return approximate
+//! results. Many implementations have a speed/accuracy tradeoff which can be tuned. Those
+//! implementations which always return exact results will also implement the [ExactNeighbors]
+//! marker trait. For example, a [VpTree] will be exact when the [Proximity] function is a
+//! [Metric].
//! [nearest neighbor search]:
+//! [`distance()`]: Proximity#tymethod.distance
+//! [`value()`]: Distance#method.value
+//! [coordinates]: Coordinates
+//! [Euclidean distance]:
+//! [many different similarity search data structures]: NearestNeighbors#implementors
+//! [vantage-point tree]:
+//! [VpTree]: vp::VpTree
+//! [`nearest()`]: NearestNeighbors#method.nearest
+//! [`k_nearest()`]: NearestNeighbors#method.k_nearest
+//! [`nearest_within()`]: NearestNeighbors#method.nearest_within
+//! [`k_nearest_within()`]: NearestNeighbors#method.k_nearest_within
pub mod coords;
pub mod distance;